What we can learn from an exemplary 1-to-1 iPad program

Since the new iPad 2 hit stores today in the US and will soon be out in the rest of the world, we wanted to share with you an exciting example of a 1-to-1 iPad program that we’ve come across.

ipadWest Moreton Anglican College is one of our Edublogs Campus schools and has recently rolled out an iPad program for their year 12 students.

Each student is given a school owned iPad (with a case and screen protector) for the year. Students can take the tablet home but must return it at the end of the year.

What we liked most about the program is the extensive and informative blog the technology team has set up to keep students, families, and staff informed.

Check out the suggested apps, support documents, and tons more information they have available.

The West Moreton project, and many more just like it, are exciting to watch as we all work on ways to provide seamless access to technology for our students.

Does your school have (or maybe looking into) a 1-to-1 program? Have advice or questions?

And way to go WMAC!

One thought on “What we can learn from an exemplary 1-to-1 iPad program

  1. Yes, we will be having a 1:1 iPad program at my school next year for grades jk-4. We are VERY excited about the possibilities that await us on our new endeavor!

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