What good is a wiki in the classroom?

We’re all familiar with wikis, even if we aren’t quite sure what they do.

In short, a wiki is a type of website or page on the web where others can easily change the text, edit it, or add to it.

A quick fact, the word ‘wiki’ doesn’t stand for anything, but was named after this bus in Hawaii. The creator of the first wiki thought  after riding this bus that wiki was a good substitute for the word ‘quick’.

From Wikipedia

And, something we’re excited about, you can now add wikis to a blog on Edublogs!

What better way to show off what this can do than with a wiki?

So please visit our very first wiki on TheEdublogger.com – Ways to use wikis in the classroom.

Jump in and add your ideas if you’d like.

Try out the ‘discussion’ tab as well to start a conversation about the wiki.

You will also find a history tab which will let you review and roll back to previous versions if you’d like.

This particular wiki is open to the public and can be edited by anyone. However, on your own blog, you can choose to only allow it to be editable by those you choose – making it great to use with students.

If you want to try this out on your own, you can get a free blog WITH WIKIS here if you don’t have one already. 🙂

What do you think!?

7 thoughts on “What good is a wiki in the classroom?

  1. Thanks for giving all the details about a wiki and telling about the word wiki; a bus name wiki is funny!
    This make me more sense and inspired me to have a wiki for my classroom too.

    Great regards

  2. Thank you for this article. I already have a blog but I am interested in the idea of a blog with wiki. I have always thought that if someone could create a blog and a wiki together it would be THE thing. Please could you send me the address of one that I can look at. All you do in the article is ask if we’d like to create one, but as I already have a blog I would prefer to see one first. Many thanks from Fiona

  3. How wonderful that is! I wish I had set up my blog in Edublogs…how could I do that with WordPress…?

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