Weekly Roundup: 2015’s Top Tech Trends, Creating Stronger Passwords, and Why We Should All Keep Blogging

This week’s round-up of Edublogs news, blog posts, classroom resources, and all things blog related.

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Read All About It: Trending Articles From Around The Web

2015’s Top Education Technology Trends: A number of experts weighed in on the six technology trends that are making the biggest impact on education.

A New Role for Avatars: Learning Languages: “Most experts agree that the best way to learn a language is by immersing yourself in it. Now, with more sophisticated technology, another theory around language learning is being tested: the use of avatars to practice speaking.”

Because the World Is Changing, So Are the ISTE Standards for Students: How do we prepare students in a world that’s changing so rapidly and where knowledge evolves at an overwhelming pace? As K-12 educators, where do we start?

Mystery Skype Skype-a-thon: Spend an entire school day connecting, discovering and learning about places all over Europe, North America and South America. You can click the link to sign up or learn more about the Mystery Skype-a-thon. Mystery Skyping will take place from 8:15 am- 2:15 pm eastern time on June 10th.

Apps, Apps Everywhere: Are Any Good, You Think? A new article in ASCD Educational Leadership sharing the best eleven mobile-learning apps out there. It will be free to view for the next three months — after that, it goes behind a paywall.

Sharing Is Caring: Widely Shared Posts From Edubloggers

Safe Passwords: A simple exercise to see how strong your passwords and your students’ passwords are, and how you can make them stronger.

Resources on Blogs as Digital Portfolios: “A Blog/Portfolio (perhaps a “blogfolio”), is great for learning purposes because it gives the creator of the space an opportunity to showcase learning while building a digital footprint that will be beneficial long after their time in schools.”

We’re a People-Shaped Profession – so LISTEN! “Any school that is serious about transforming culture to bring about elevated outcomes for students, must, I would argue, start by listening sincerely to teachers stories, the narrative regarding their practice and how they feel about it.”

PBS News Hour Video: ‘World’s best teacher’ does not believe in tests and quizzes!

Unbeatable Tweetables: Favorite Tweets Of The Week

That’s A Wrap!

To wrap up this week’s post, I’d like to share a video that was originally shared as part of the post “Blogging Is Personal…Or Is It?” by Edublogs’ own Sue Waters. The post covers several aspects of blogging such as personal reflection, personal tastes, and developing your own voice.

While discussing the topic of voice, Sue shared the video “Obvious to you; Amazing to others,” by Derek Sivers. This video explains that we need to share our ideas with the world because, as the title implies, they may be obvious to us but are likely amazing to others. It’s an inspirational video, and one that I hope will motivate you to keep sharing and to keep blogging! Enjoy.

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