Using Online Tools To Create Simple Graphs for Blog Posts

Always wanted an online tool that creates cool graphs after seeing how Kathy Sierra used them effectively to enhance her blog posts.

Thanks to Steve Dembo I’ve now found Crappy Graph — excellent for creating quick, easy graphs. Below is the Crappy Graph I created (one handed while drying my hair) titled the Web 2.0 Technology curve.

As Steve Dembo says “Without a doubt, there’s no better way to grab someone’s attention than by incorporating an image that piques one’s curiosity.” Creating your own graphs is a fantastic addition to the options for adding images to post.


If you know of any other online graph creators can you please share them — would love to test them out. Would also love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how you might use them with students or in blog posts.

UPDATE: I accidentally used the wrong name for Crappy Graphs when I wrote this post. Changing the p’s to b’s the tool was renamed Crabby Graphs.  Thankfully Christa Allen noticed it so I could make the changes.

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13 thoughts on “Using Online Tools To Create Simple Graphs for Blog Posts

  1. @Larry Definitely really easy to use. Thanks for the extra links to graphs. Have to say they also look hard for me 🙂

    @Gail P Jessica’s graphs look so cool and I feel more graph envy happening. Wonder how she creates them?

    @Janzalone Totally know the feeling. Every time I feel like I’m more comfortable I learn something new. Like just the other day I realised that I could create groups in Gmail — how did I not notice that? Look forward to seeing how your teachers go with it.

    @Donna B Thanks for GraphJam. I followed up with a post on using it because I thought it would be good for educators who want to create equations. Your wiki is excellent. I spent a bit of time checking it all out.

    @Jerry Swiatek Thanks for the link to Create-a-graph. They are really easy to use and had a bit of fun trying them out. Although I’m now considering that I may need therapy for my graphing addiction.

  2. I’ve found the Create-a-Graph tool from the National Center for Education Statistics located at to be a good site for creating different types of graphs. The graphs are fairly easy to create and once created, the graphs can be printed, downloaded, or emailed. Students and faculty have used this one in my school and have had some success with it.

  3. @Sue
    Thanks for the great post! I swear just when I feel like I can get comfortable and can relax, I get sucked back in!! I can see this chart tool integrated into all types of content areas (other than math!)…With standardized test score improvement being shoved down our throats here in the US, our school has the kids graph their understanding and effort (similar to how you did) after reviewing the tests, then write about it and set goals. This would be a great thing for the teachers to assign the kids to do on thier own and post to the teacher’s blog…
    I can also see this being a great closure activity for tech trainings I do for teachers in my district.
    Thanks again!!

    Thanks for the blog recommendation…Jessica’s site is a crack up…

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