Who’s Who: The Twitter Help Desk

Too often Twitter workshops focus on encouraging participants to connect with each other, being told to follow influential Twitterers or follow specific hashtags.  While these can all help — connecting with educators who want to help others is more powerful.

Why Mentors Matter

Online mentors played a crucial role in my journey.  They supported my learning and introduced me to new ideas.  The people who help me on Twitter continue to play an important role that enables me to do what I do.

They even help me write my posts! Thanks to @Allanhk, @MsBeenz and @donalynbooks for help with this post title!

So back in August I asked educators to share their details if they were willing to help and mentor other educators on Twitter.

My goal was to create a list of educators who enjoy helping and want to mentor other educators via Twitter.

Put simply — I wanted to created a Who’s Who of people who wanted to be our Twitter Help Desk for Educators.

Our Twitter Help Desk List for Educators

We’ve embedded our Twitter Help Desk for Educators (aka the Educator’s Twitter Mentor List) below.  We hope it helps!

You’ll need to view it at home if Google Docs is blocked on your school network.

Everyone on this list has indicated they like helping others and have shared the areas they are able to provide assistance with.  All you need to do is send an @mention to the educator(s) you think may be able to help.  They are all ready to support you.

Refer to The Twitteraholic’s Ultimate Guide to tweets, hashtags, and all things Twitter if you are new to using Twitter.

Add your details here if you would like to be added to the list.

Let us know how else we can help educators in comments section below…

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