The Student Blogging Competition Is About To Begin: Have You JOINED?

Student Blogging Competition logoThe Student Blogging Competition starts this week!!!

So far there’s over 100 school students and 8 class blogs from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and USA involved.  The competition is now also multilingual — with the weekly tasks written in both English and Portuguese.

You don’t need your own blog! You can do the activities using your class blog or by commenting on other students’ blogs.   This is a great opportunity for:

  1. Students to connect with other student bloggers while improving your blogging skills.
  2. Teacher to guide their students through the process of learning to blog and improving their reflective writing skills.

You can read more about what’s involved in this post.  There’s still time to join:

NOTE: If the competition starts while you’re on holidays — don’t stress just start at the end of your holidays.

I’ve set up a site to display the posts from the student blogs participating in the competition using Google Reader — you can keep an eye on the posts at this URL or you can subscribe to the feed.  Currently the posts are displaying based on when added to my Google Reader however new posts will display in date posted.  If you notice your posts aren’t appearing —  Please let me know so I can rectify!


Best of luck for those joining the student blogging competition.  Please drop past and let me know how you are going!!! Would love to hear.

Meanwhile if you’re interested in translating and being involved in the competition in your language please contact Miss Wyatt.

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16 thoughts on “The Student Blogging Competition Is About To Begin: Have You JOINED?

  1. @Cathy2011 I’m fine thanks for asking – how are you?

    @Zoew09 Welcome to the blogging competition. I’ve dropped past your blog and said hello. Best of luck.

    @legoman11 RSS is what makes your life much easier because it brings all information to you. Read this post it may help.

  2. @Meghna I’m glad you didn’t miss the competition and I look forward to following your progress.

    @Ines No problem. I’m always happy to support others and this is an exciting project. Looking forward to hearing how all the students go.

    @Tim The idea is teacher’s do keep an eye on their students progress as we would like each school to hopefully provide some tip of reward for the most improved. If your former students are comfortable with it perhaps you can work with them and review their progress? I’m sure that @Miss W would be okay with that — you also need to get the students to register their details and I recommend you contact Miss W. to discuss.

  3. G’day Tim,
    I have suggested to the teachers and students that they keep some sort of word document with a selection of comments they have written that shows how they have progressed. This would be up to you to set the parameters for the students in your school or class that are participating.

    We have not worked out a simple, effective method yet for collecting comments from just one student. We know co.comments is available but many adults had problems with that in the adult challenge earlier in the year.

  4. Sue,

    I am encouraging some of my former students to register for the competition, but I have a question: Can a teacher monitor, or view, student commenting to see how they progress?


  5. Hey,

    Thank you for mentioning this. I would’ve missed otherwise. The competition is about to start and I couldn’t register earlier!!! 🙁 All due to my exams 🙁

    Thanks to this post, I could register with this great contest for bloggers..

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