The Global Classroom Project: Building Commmunity

We’re always interested in programs that help teachers and their students connect with each other.

So when I heard about the Global Classroom Project I asked Michael Graffin to write a blog post to tell us more.

About the Global Classroom Project

The Global Classroom Project was co-founded by Deb Frazier (@frazierde) in Ohio, USA, and Michael Graffin (@mgraffin) in Perth, Western Australia.

Since its humble beginnings in April 2011, #globalclassroom has evolved under the leadership of @mgraffin into an online learning community, connecting teachers and students around the world.

This is our story.

When we began our 2011-12 Project, we had some goals in mind:

  • We set out to help teachers improve their classroom practice, through collaborating and sharing expertise with teachers around the world …
  • We set out to create a community which fosters global dialogue and discussion between teachers and students …
  • We wanted our students to have regular opportunities to share, learn and collaborate with children around the world, helping them to discover our common humanity …

Global Classroom Manifesto

And we are succeeding beyond our wildest dreams …

We now find ourselves running a global educational network involving hundreds of teachers, and thousands of students, across 32 countries and 6 continents.

Our wiki, blog, Facebook, and Skype groups have proved to be  vibrant online spaces for teachers to connect, share, and collaborate globally …

And, to our astonishment, the monthly #globalclassroom Twittter chats, created by @mgraffin,  became the world’s first global education chats, open to all teachers interested in flattening their classroom walls.

We’ve created a global community.

We have succeeded in creating a true educational community, where teachers support each-other’s learning. find new friends, and make global connections which transform their teaching and learning spaces in unexpected and empowering ways.

Where else can you find a teacher in remote Nepal connecting his students with the world?

Or the teacher in Taiwan whose classroom has been transformed through her Skype connections and conversations with teachers worldwide?

Where else can you find such an amazingly diverse group of people, from all walks of life, who are keen to connect, share, and collaborate with you?

This is impacting on our students too …

Our teachers have created opportunities for their students (of all ages) to learn, share, and work with children around the world – through Edmodo, Skype, Wikis, VoiceThread and Flat Stanley exchanges.

We are teaching our students, through real-life connections, how to connect and collaborate globally; and who knows what impact this will have later in life?

Kids Speak 2011-12 (@frazierde)

And yet, this is just the beginning …

When we launched Global Classroom 2011-12 last year, we had no idea where it would ultimately lead. The connections, the learning, and the sharing amongst our members  has been astonishing, and the opportunities this project has afforded continue to surprise and inspire its creators.

Our 2011-12 project runs through to June 2012, and we look forward to sharing our members’ projects and students’ learning over the months to come.

If you’d like to join us, please join our wiki and fill out the registration form for your year level. You’d be most welcome.

Find Us Online:


Twitter:           Use the #globalclassroom hashtag

Skype:              Send a contact request to mgraffin, and ask to join the group
VoiceThread:  Send request to @frazierde (or email debfrazier4@

About the Author

This guest post was written by Michael Graffin from Perth, Western Australia. He blogs at, and tweets as @mgraffin.

He co-founded The Global Classroom Project with Deb Frazier, from Ohio, USA. Deb blogs at Primary Perspective, and tweets as @frazierde.

11 thoughts on “The Global Classroom Project: Building Commmunity

  1. Is there a list of countries that are included in this project? A co-worker and I are working on a project/grant to travel to Greece next summer. It would be great to have some contacts already in place before we travel. We are lower school/elementary teachers who are also part of the Admin Team at our school.

  2. This is a fantastic idea. I am trying to gain ideas as I am just in the beginning of my masters in education in administration . I will keep this in mind as I feel the faculty and the students will benefit greatly from this.

  3. I think this is a great idea. I’m currently completing a Master of Arts in Teaching program in order to become a Social Studies teacher. This type of collaborative effort will allow my students to better understand contemporary foreign policy through interaction with their peers in a foreign country. These type of Web 2.0 tools will allow schools with limited resources to send their students on virtual field trips.

    1. Thanks Jeremy. We’d love to work with you to help develop some decent secondary level #globalclassroom projects at some point 🙂

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