The edubloggers’ guide to ISTE – Where to be and what to do!

It’s time again for the biggest gathering of like-minded educational tech enthusiasts of it’s kind!


Who else is ready fore ISTE 2011!?

I will be there and look forward to meeting as many people as I can!

After scouring through all of the amazing sessions, I put together a list of ones that looked promising to me – especially ones that relate to blogging, social media, and professional development.

There are a tons more that aren’t on this list, but thought I would share:

sessionsEduBloggerCon 2011

If you are in Philly on Saturday, don’t miss the unconference EduBloggerCon. It’s a FREE all day event in the convention center full of conversations, impromptu sharing sessions, and what I’m most looking forward to, 3-minute long Keynote Smackdowns!

Be sure to learn more about EduBloggerCon here.

The Bloggers Cafe

This is the place to relax, meet fellow educators, and maybe get a bit of blogging in too.

I’ll most likely be spending the majority of my time here if anyone wants to meet up! I might even have a free Edublogs t-shirt to throw your way if you ask about it 🙂

Send me a tweet (@ronnieburt) or an email (ronnie @ if you are in the area and hopefully my phone or laptop will let me know to look for you.

Not Attending? Check out ISTE Unplugged!

ISTE Unplugged are live presentations held near the Bloggers Cafe which are also streamed live via Elluminate!

See the website for session times and links which you can participate in remotely on Monday – Wednesday of next week.

What a cool way to bring a bit of ISTE to you, no matter where you may be!

Hope to see many of you soon!

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