The Class Blog List has been updated! Is your class blog on the list?

Once yearly we go through the entire Edublogger’s class blog list to ensure the list remains current, contains helpful resources and see what else we can do to help you to find class blogs for the grades and subjects you teach.

We’ve just completed the 2012 update!  We hope you find the list helps.

You can view the list by:

  1. Going to our Check out our class blog list page.
  2. Downloading our Edublogger’s class blog list PDF — handy if you want to print copies to share with others!
  3. Scrolling to the bottom of this post to view our embedded Google Spreadsheet of the Edublogger’s class blog list.

Please let us know if you would like your class blog added to the list.  We add new blogs onto the list throughout the year and would love to add yours.

About The Edublogger’s Class Blog list

The Edublogger’s class blog list was originally created in 2008 for educators to use as a resource to:

  • Get ideas on how class blogs are used with students.
  • Check out ideas they can use with their students and on their own class blog.
  • Make connections with classes in other countries.

Now 3 years since the list was first created:

  • It’s still growing — the list is updated monthly to add new class blogs to the list.
  • It’s the most visited page on this blog

The list is created by teachers who submit their class blogs to be added to it by leaving a comment on these posts.

Keeping the list current

To ensure that the class blog list remains current and contain helpful resources we go through the entire list once a year to remove any blogs that:

  1. Have been deleted
  2. No longer exist
  3. Are no longer active (haven’t updated recently)
  4. Have changed their privacy from public to private.

Improving the list

During the yearly update we also look at how we can improve the list.   This year we have made the following changes:

  • We’ve changed to an embedded Google spreadsheet because it makes it easier to quickly update the list.
  • We’re broken the class blog list into Grades; Subject Areas such as Maths, Science, English, History, LOTE, EFL /ESL; type of blog such as Library, School news.

Blogging Since

We’re also aware that with some many blogs on the list that educators needed a way to quickly scan the list while learning more about the age of specific blogs.

The solution was the Blogging Since information.  For example, 2004 means the blog has been used for class blogging since 2004 whereas 2009 means a blog with has been used as a class blog since 2009. A class blog with ‘Since’ and the date indicates the teacher has been blogging for awhile but is now using a different class blog URL.

I continue to be amazed with how long some of these blogs have been used for class blogging!

Is your Class Blog on the List?

If you want to add your class blog to this list (or update your class blog details) leave a comment on this post to share with us:

  1. Your Class Blog title(s) and URL(s).
  2. Grade level(s) of your student
  3. If applicable. what subject areas or class blog category?  Refer to the category list on Our check out Class blogs page.
  4. Country
  5. Age of class blog.  Blogging since?
  6. Feel free to add other information as educators refer to comments to create connections with other class blogs!

Please check the Check out Class Blogs list first before providing updated information.

And here’s the complete Edublogger’s Class Blog list:

Just click on their blog title to visit the class blog!

89 thoughts on “The Class Blog List has been updated! Is your class blog on the list?

  1. Hi Dan,

    I have a 1/2 class in Melbourne and we really like the idea of making connections

  2. Please add our blog to the class blog list:
    Title: English SKTBI
    Grade: Year 1 – 6
    Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Blogging since March 2011

    Our school is encouraged to learn other people’s culture through ICT. Interested in making our blog your sister blog? Feel free to have a chat in our blog. Maybe we can link to each other’s blog as a starting point? =)
    -Mr Fayadh (Founder)

  3. We’d like to be added to the list!
    1. Our blog is entitled “A Look at Books” :
    2. Grade/age: 6th Grade; 11 & 12 year olds
    3. We mostly blog about books we’ve read and loved, but we’re always ready to discuss other things!
    4. These students have been blogging for 1.5 years — they’re just learning how to write posts
    5. We’re located in Grapevine, Texas

  4. Hello! We would like to be included in the Class Blog list please. Here are our details:
    1.News from Inver National School
    2. Junior Infants to Sixth Class (Children aged 4 -12)
    3. We do all subjects in our classroom and discuss these on our blog.
    4. Ireland
    5. Blogging for about two years.
    6. We are a two-teacher school on the wets coast of Ireland. While the nineteen bloggers in the senior classroom do great work sharing their classroom with the outside world, they get some amazing assistance from the eleven little helpers in the junior classroom room.

    We’d love to hear from other classes around the world!

  5. Please add me to the list.
    9th Grade Physics
    Jefferson City, MO – USA
    Blogging since December 2011 (newbie)
    Part of a program called Physics First through the University of Missouri and funded by NSF.

  6. Please add my wonderful 5th graders’ Kidblog at We have been blogging since 2010 and act as rolemodels for other classrooms in the world on how to use KidBlog as well as how to leave comments. With a weekly blog challenge these kids blog their hearts out and offer their opinions on many topics in education. we are out of Middleton, WI, USA. We also have a classroom blog at where we post our work and our adventures, that has been going since 2009.

  7. Please add the Year 6 (aged 10 – 11 years old) blog, entitled The Big Blog, at St. Elizabeth Primary School, Bethnal Green, London, UK. The class started up the blog at the end of 2011. It had lots of impact when our city kids went away to spend a week on a farm: parents had the chance to see daily posted photos, but more importantly they were able to make comments and connect/interact with their children when they were away from home.

    The class teacher generally uses the blog for homework assignments and each child has their own category for ease of access to their work. We’re still working on other uses of the blog and trying to encourage quality posts rather than Facebook style status updates as well as encouraging their own words rather than those c/o Wikipedia.

    We’d like to link with other schools, please find me on Twitter @shelleuk if you’re interested!

  8. Please add my class blog to the list: Citizen Scholars at I teach ELA, grades 14-18. I am in USA and have been blogging sincen2009 (I think). My students have their own blogs, and I would love to make connections with other teachers who have students who blog.

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