The Global Student Blogging Challenge Starts Soon!

sbc2015-17x6216Come get your students blogging and connecting with their peers from around the world!

The Global Student Blogging Challenge is a free project that runs for 10 weeks twice yearly since 2008.

The next challenge starts on October 4 and it is now time to register your blog.

The March 2014 student blogging challenge involved:

  • 115 classes
  • 1300 students
  • 15 countries
  • 32 mentors

During the challenge, Sue Wyatt (@tasteach), along with support from Sue Waters and the team at Edublogs, provides weekly challenge tasks to help students and classes building blogging skills and connect globally through their blogs.

The Challenge is open to both class blogs and to individual student bloggers from all over the world and of all ages – blogs don’t need to be hosted by Edublogs to participate, but your blog must be public.

Check out the following pages to learn more about the Challenge:

To Register

There are two ways to register:

To Help

There have been over 1300 students in the last few challenges and it isn’t possible for Sue Wyatt to visit them all regularly.

Can you help with this?

You might be a teacher, principal, educational coach, parent, retired teacher or a trainee teacher and would like to get involved with student blogging. You can register as a mentor and help mentor small groups of 10-30 students during the challenge.

What do the students learn about in the challenge?

  • creating pages and posts
  • creating avatars
  • digital citizenship
  • commenting skills
  • connecting with students globally
  • using tools and embedding on their blog

What Participants Are Saying

Here are some examples of what previous challenge participants (both students and teachers) have said:

– Blogging is personal and blogging is permanent. Don’t put anything on the web that you will later regret.

– That it was okay to express my interests that I kept hidden on normal days on my blog – some people might actually like reading about it and maybe they have the same interests

– Thank you so much for helping me with interesting posts, I had heaps of fun and I hope I can do it next year.

– Getting to know others that may be half way around the world from you. New technology is amazing!

– I learned a lot about commenting, but for me the most beneficial thing was learning how to give proper attribution to photos online.

– I have learned how to help my students connect with others around the world. I also love giving them an audience beyond the classroom.

– I’ve learnt to put my ideas into words in English (which is not my native language) creatively and clearly.

– The most important thing I have taken from this is to respect my visitors. Do not cluster them with info, make it simple and clean.

– The most important thing I learned was adding photos and attribution. Because before I started the blogging challenge I had know idea how to do that. I also didn’t know how to do links either.

– There are others who express themselves through blogging and it’s a great way to meet new people. I also enjoyed finding others with the same interests. I now know that I’m not the only one going through hard times, or enjoying the little things 🙂

– The most important thing that I have learned is that there are so many other people out there just like me even though they speak a different language.

– That there is more to technology than using it for games.

Register Now!

Think you might be interested in joining the October 2015 Blogging Challenge?

Register here now!

4 thoughts on “The Global Student Blogging Challenge Starts Soon!

  1. Good morning,
    I am trying to create a student blog for one of my students. He has never had his own blog and yet when I try to create it for him, it says that ‘this blog already exists’. Can you please help me in creating him a blog? Thank you

    1. Hi Rita

      Adding a quick comment to say we followed this up with you by email.

      Sue Waters
      Support Manager
      Edublogs | CampusPress

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