Register For The October Student Blogging Challenge!

Do you want your students to learn how to publish on the web safely and effectively?

Perhaps you want to increase their motivation for writing by engaging with an authentic audience?

Would you like your students to look beyond the four walls of your classroom and connect with other students from around the world?

The Student Blogging Challenge can help and registrations are now open!

Since 2008, the Student Blogging Challenge has run twice yearly, beginning each March and October.

The next challenge begins on October 6, 2019.

The challenge is made up of a series of 8 weekly tasks all designed to improve blogging and commenting skills, while connecting students with a global audience.

This experience is totally free and open to students and classes aged between 8 and 16.

Many teachers appreciate the fact that they don’t have to be the expert or bring the ideas or audience. It’s all done for you.

The challenge is also flexible — you can participate every week, every second week or choose a time frame that suits you. You can also adapt tasks to meet the needs of your own class.

Quick links

Why Take Part In The Student Blogging Challenge?

Earlier in the year, I made a short video with insights from past participants to give you an overview of what the challenge is all about.

Take a look and please share it with others who might be interested.

You might also want to read 8 Reasons To Take Part In The Student Blogging Challenge which breaks down this infographic.

The 22nd Student Blogging Challenge beings on March 3, 2019. Find out why thousands of students have taken part over the past decade!

Finally, be sure to check out this insightful post by 3 high school students who reflect on what they got out of the Student Blogging Challenge.

The students made this video about their challenge experience.

How Do I Register For The Challenge?

Interested? You can follow the steps below to register or check out the FAQs if you want to read more about the challenge before registering.

Step One: Join Our Mailing List

If you haven’t already, sign up for our Student Blogging Challenge mailing list to stay in the loop!

This isn’t a registration form but you’ll want to be on the mailing list to keep up to date with all the challenge news.

Step Two: Decide How You Want To Register

There are three ways to register:

1) Register As A Class

This means teachers and students participate together and students don’t need to have their own blog (although they can).

Student work will be published on the class blog as a post or series of posts. Or the teacher might publish a post and invite the students to comment.

2) Register As An Individual Student Blogger

Students with their own blogs can take part by publishing posts in response to the weekly challenges on the Student Blogging Challenge site.

They can also comment on other students’ posts.

3) Register To Be A Volunteer Commenter

Commenters need to be approved by our commenting team leader, Sue Wyatt. They need to be involved in some field of education — e.g. teaching, working with children, studying education, retired teachers etc.

If you know someone who might like to volunteer, please ask them to consider registering and joining our mailing list! 

Commenters are asked to visit five blogs per week and you can make a big difference in the lives of young people by just dedicating one hour a week for 8 weeks!

Step Three: Get Ready

While participants will learn about blogging through the challenge, it can be very helpful to start setting up your blog before the challenge begins.

These two self-paced courses will be helpful if you want to be walked through the process of setting up your blog:

🎁 Our Blogging With Students course currently comes with a free upgrade to Edublogs Pro. Find out more here. 

The Student Blogging Challenge begins October 6 2019

I’ve Registered As A Participant. Now What?

2019 Student Blogging Challenge BadgeFantastic! Perhaps you’d like to add the challenge badge to your sidebar or About page?

Every week on a Sunday (starting October 6), we’ll publish a new post on the Student Blogging Challenge website.

If you’re subscribed to the email list, you’ll get a reminder about this via email. Otherwise, you can just check the Student Blogging Challenge site when it suits.

Then there are four steps to follow each week:

  1. Read: Teachers can read through the post that’s on the Student Blogging Challenge site with their class, or assign the post to their students to read. Alternately, teachers can summarize the information on their class blog.
  2. Task: Students will complete one (or more) task and publish it on their individual blog or class blog.
  3. Form: Participants need to enter the URL of their blog post in the Google Form that will be at the bottom of each weekly post.
  4. Connect: The last step involves visiting other participants’ blogs. Leave a comment and strike up a conversation.

If you can’t complete a task every week, that’s fine. You’re also welcome to adapt tasks to best meet the needs of your class.

Find out more here. 

4 Steps To Participating in STUBC

I’ve Registered As A Commenter. Now What?

2019 Commenter BadgeOur commenting team leader, Sue Wyatt, will contact you to let you know if you’ve been accepted as commenter (via the email or Twitter handle you provided). She’ll also email in the lead up to the challenge explaining the process if you’ve been accepted.

Sue will support you as a commenter throughout the challenge. She’ll send you weekly emails with instructions and tips, and you’ll be able to contact her to ask further questions.

There’s also a badge for commenters that you might like to display on your own site if you have one.

More Questions?

We’ve created a PDF document of Frequently Asked Questions. Click here to save a copy to your computer.

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Anything else you’re not sure about? Leave a comment and we’ll get back to you! Alternatively, you can send us an email via this contact form. 

14 thoughts on “Register For The October Student Blogging Challenge!

  1. Hi,
    My name is Talisa and i joined Edublog on January 2020 and i am still confused on how to do some things but i am sure i will be ready before
    the competition and i will ask my parents if i can register.
    I am sure they will say yes because they like me to compete in a lot of challenges my only problem is i do not know how to register

    1. Hi Talisa,
      The registrations for the March Student Blogging Challenge will be out in the next day or two. You’ll see the new posts about this on the Student Blogging Challenge website.

      It’s not actually a competition — just a fun way to learn about blogging and connect with others.

      Remember to check in the next day or two to find out more information that you can share with your parents.


  2. I would like to see if my students would be interested in this challenge. However, I need to make sure this “Google Form” that was mentioned for submission would be accessible to my students here in China.

    1. Hi Cameron,
      We’d love to have your class join us! We only have 2 more weeks left of this challenge. You might like to join us for the new challenge starting in early March 2020. If you can’t access to Google Doc to register, that’s okay. We can add your details. You’ll just need to have a public blog so other participants can visit you.
      Registrations for the March challenge will open in February.

  3. I have Registered and I look in the sheet to see if my name was there and my name was not and I did Register twice.

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