“Share your tips” — and win BIG!

‘Back to school’ commenced in the Northern Hemisphere. Lots of educators new to blogging are looking for advice on using blogs with their students.

It’s time we all helped them out and update our list of ‘must read’ posts on student blogging! Yes, we’ve had similar conversations BUT — with experience our ideas and advice evolve!

Off course incentive helps too! So we’re giving away sixteen Edublogs supporter 12 month subscriptions which you can use on your own blog or give away to a reader.

How To Enter

Competition is open to any one — experienced blogger, new to blogging, student bloggers.

Just write a post based on any of the topics themes listed below:

  1. What are your 5 most important tips for educators starting out blogging with students?
  2. When you first started blogging what aspects of blogging worked well? What has caused problems? What would you change? — you can discuss this in terms of class, student or your own personal blogging!
  3. What are your 5 most important questions you would like to ask experienced bloggers? And why?
  4. What do you like about blogging? What have you found hard about blogging. Students – How can teachers make the process easier?

Once you’ve written your post:

  1. Leave a comment on this post letting me know you have entered, with a link to your post (plus for students your Grade/year level).
  2. Explain in your post which topic you are writing about and link back to this post so that we receive a pingback advising us that you have written the post (read this to understand What’s A Pingback? And How To Write Links).

For example you might copy the following into the bottom of your post and just change the topic enclosed in the qutoation marks:

This post has been written on “5 most important tips for educators starting out blogging with students” as part of The Edublogger’s Competition!

The four best post for each topic will win and you can submit posts for as many topics you like. And off course all winners will get a badge they can add to their blogs :)

Remember we’re looking for the best — best advice, tips, questions, most thought provoking! — here is your chance to demonstrate your blogging and creative skills! You have until September 30 to enter!

If you are enjoying reading this blog, please consider feed-icon32x32 Finding and Adding Creative Commons Images To Your Blog PostsSubscribing For Free!

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