Setting up Feedburner RSS and Email subscription for your blog

Lots of people have been asking me about RSS feeds and Feedburner over the past few weeks.

So I’ve decided it’s time to update my ‘how to’ Feedburner info so that:

  1. All the required instructions are in one post
  2. It is current for the latest version of Edublogs and Feedburner

What is RSS?

The easiest way to receive latest posts from your favorite blogs is to subscribe to RSS using feed readers such as Google Reader, Bloglines, NetVibes.

RSS (means Really Simple Syndication) retrieves the latest content from the sites you are interested and pulls them into your feed reader where you can read them all in one location rather than visiting each site separately.

Watch RSS in Plain English to learn more!

The presence of the orange RSS icon indicates a site has an RSS feed and means you can subscribe to it using a feed reader.

What is FeedBurner?

Most blogs have RSS feed which is detected automatically by commonly used feed readers when the blog URL is added to the reader.

However, if you want to make it more obvious and easier for readers to subscribe using RSS, or want to know exactly how many people subscribe to your blog  then the best option is to add a Feedburner RSS feed and email subscription to your blog.

Feedburner is a free web service which enhances bloggers and podcasters ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers. Subscriber overview inside a Feedburner account

Setting Up Your Feedburner Feed

1.  Go to Feedburner and sign in to Feedburner with your Google Account (create a Google Account first if you don’t have one!).

2.  Add your Blog URL to the Burn a Feed Right This Instant and click Next.

Burning a Feedburner Feed

3.  Leave RSS 2.0 source selected and click Next.

Selecting the RSS feed source

4.  On “Welcome” page, make sure you are happy with the title and FeedBurner address (URI) of your new feed and then click Next. Feedburner title and URL

5.  On the Congrats! page click Next

6.  On the stats configuration page select Clickthroughs and I want more! and then click Next.

Selecting your Feedburner Stats options

Adding Your Feedburner Feed To Your Blog

This is used to add the RSS icon and easy subscribe options to your blog side bar using a text widget as explained below:

Example of Feedburner RSS feed in a blog sidebar

1.  Click on the Publicize Tab > Chicklet Chooser in your Feedburner account and copy the HTML code.

Copying the HTML code for your Feedburner Feed

2.  Go to Appearance > Widgets in your blog dashboard

3.  Click on the desired Sidebar to expand (so you can add the widgets) Please note: In new blogs sidebars in your dashboard are empty and adding widgets automatically removes the default Edublogs widgets

4.  Add a text widget to the desired sidebar by dragging it from the Available Widgets into the Sidebar area on the right.

5.  The widget will automatically open — just add the HTML code from FeedBurner, click Save and then Close.

Adding Feedburner HTML to Text widget

Adding a FeedBurner Email Subscription

It’s important to add an email subscription option to your blog sidebar as some readers prefer to receive latest posts from blogs using email subscription.

1.  Click on the Publicize Tab > Email Subscription in your Feedburner account and click on Activate.

Activating FeedBurner Email subscription

2.   Copy the HTML code.

Copy Feedburner email HTML code

3.  Go to Appearance > Widgets in your blog dashboard

4.  Click on the desired Sidebar to expand (so you can add the widgets)

5.  Add a text widget to the desired sidebar by dragging it from the Available Widgets into the Sidebar area on the right.

6.  The widget will automatically open — just add the HTML code for Feedburner email subscription, click Save and then Close.

7.  Now readers simply enter their email address and then click on “Subscribe” and Feedburner emails your entire post to them on the day after it has been published on your blog.

Redirecting All Your Blog Feed To Feedburner

Unless you redirect all your blog feed to Feedburner you won’t get accurate subscriber numbers because some of your readers subscribe using your original blog feed.

If you’re an Edublogs supporter you can redirect your blog feed  as follows:

1.  Go to Settings > Feedburner in your blog dashboard

2.  Add your Feedburner address and click Save Changes.

Redirecting feed to FeedBurner

3.  Now all your feeds is automatically redirected through FeedBurner and you’ll be able to track subscriber numbers accurately.

If you are enjoying reading this blog, please consider feed-icon32x32 Finding and Adding Creative Commons Images To Your Blog PostsSubscribing For Free!

108 thoughts on “Setting up Feedburner RSS and Email subscription for your blog

  1. Thank you for this step by step. I didn’t realize that one advantage of feedburner over the wp rss is that you can see number of subscribers. That is helpful. I also think an email list is still helpful for sending out additional info to readers of the blog so am glad you mentioned that.


  2. Hi, great post.
    I am wondering if it is possible to feed two different parts of my website, from my blog, based on the post tags.

    Many thanks

  3. Thanks a bunch for the directions. I was up all night trying to figure out how to get the RSS Feed for Email Subscription on my blog. I followed your directions step by step and finally it’s on my site. I have learned so much since starting a blog.

  4. Yay! I can’t believe I couldn’t find the email subscription thing because it was so simple when you explained it. But this saved me tons of time. Thank you!

  5. I am a bit lost because i have taken the step by step actions & added the subscription to my blog & have had a couple of my friends “subscribe”…it all flows…they receive the email they click on it etc…but when i go to my feedburner page to see how many people have subscribed it says “0”…am i being anxious? because i have only just created this last night & it has not been a full 24 hours or did i take a wrong turn somewhere & i have no subscribers… so confused please help…

  6. In Feedburner Sent Mails,how to change the ” From ” tag in Email received.

    for eg.
    my users are getting emails with

    From : Repository Blog|Sharing Experiences|Capturing Moments

    Subject : <>

    I want to change the From Part to my Email id or something else, how can i do that.
    plz help
    thanx in advance.

  7. Hello

    I have a specific icon image and i would like to add on my blog and link it to the subscription email but it does not work with me so what is the best way to do this??

  8. Thanks Sue for the comprehensive guide and for supporting your tips with images. Ti’s clear and very useful. Actually I am looking for a way to send my blog posts RSS weekly instead of every post update. Do you know how?

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