Response To An Article – #EdublogsClub Prompt 39

This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and edtech enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it to join in, or sign up to receive email reminders of each new prompt. 

This is the penultimate #EdublogsClub Prompt!

#EdublogsClub began in January as a concept to inspire a whole year of blogging. With the busyness of the new school year in the northern hemisphere, participation is dwindling. Therefore, we will wrap up the prompts next week with #40.

Anyone is still welcome to respond to any of the previous prompts. We will still be monitoring comments so would love to hear from you and read your posts. Perhaps the rest of the year will offer you a good chance to catch up!

We also hope to package up the 40 prompts in a downloadable format as inspiration for your writing, or you might want to form your own #EdublogsClub in your school, district or network!

Now on to this week’s prompt…

I read my eyes out and can't read half enough...the more one reads the more one sees we have to read - John Adams quote

Prompt: Respond to an article

What sorts of things do you like to read online?

  • Blogs posts?
  • News articles?
  • Journal articles?
  • Magazine style articles?
  • Newsletters?
  • Reviews?
  • White papers?

There is certainly a lot of variety when it comes to online reading material. Some articles are factual and a lot are opinions or commentary.

  1. Find an online article that interests you. It could be related to education or another topic.
  2. Put the link to the article in a blog post and write your reflection.
  3. You might like to write your general opinions on the article, or choose a different format, like a letter to the author.
  4. Leave the link to your blog post in a comment so we can check out the article and your response.

Happy blogging!

11 thoughts on “Response To An Article – #EdublogsClub Prompt 39

  1. Hi…is it all right if I tweak this prompt to use with my high school students? I can post the link to my blog with their comments after we blog.


    1. Hi Stephanie,

      We’d be more than happy for you to use this with your students! Please just link to The Edublogger if you post it on your blog. We would also love to see what your students come up with!


  2. Thank you Kathleen! I think this is a great prompt! I’m struggling with an overload of work right now at school, I hope you can give me some days yet. I’ll be back to read our fellow bloggers tonight.
    You are awesome.

    1. Thanks, Nina! It’s annoying when you can’t find where you read something, isn’t it? I’ll head over to your blog and have a look.


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