Free Pro Offer Extended For February!

Back in December, we announced an offer where participants of our self-paced courses could upgrade their blogs to Pro for free!

This offer has been very well received. It was due to end on January 31 but we’ve decided to extend it for two reasons:

  • Many teachers in the southern hemisphere are just starting back at school for the year.
  • A number of teachers have told us that they’d like to get their class or student blogs ready for the next Student Blogging Challenge in early March.

Haven’t heard about the Student Blogging Challenge? It has been running twice a year since 2008. It’s a way for classes and students to learn about blogging while forming global connections. You can find out more here and join the Student Blogging Challenge mailing list to get notified of when registrations open in mid-February.

Free Pro Upgrade Explained

Here’s the deal:

  • When you start one of our courses, you’ll get a one month subscription to Edublogs Pro.
  • If you complete one of our courses, you’ll get a 12 month Edublogs Pro subscription.

Simple as that!

This offer is for first-time users who don’t already use Edublogs Pro and is available until February 28, 2019. Participating in a course allows you to upgrade one blog.

Our offer to upgrade your blog to Pro for completing one of our self-paced courses has been extended until February 28, 2019! Edublogs

What Are The Free Courses?

Our free self-paced courses have been popular for many years. During 2018 we gave them all an update!

Course options for teachers

Currently, we have three professional development opportunities for educators. You’ll find these on our Teacher Challenge site.

You can complete these courses at any time:

You’ll receive a certificate and badge for completing your course.

These courses all come with optional PDF workbooks to help keep you on track.

3 PDF workbooks for teachers

Course option for students

The Blogging Bootcamp is designed for students to work through at their own pace to learn about setting up and using their own blog.

Some teachers like to assign all/parts of the Bootcamp to students before the Student Blogging Challenge begins.

How Do I Get My Pro Upgrade?

Organizing your upgrade is simple. All you need to do is start the course and have your free Edublogs site set up. You can get your free blog by signing up on the Edublogs homepage. 

Once you’ve done these two things, simply email the Edublogs Support team with your blog URL and the name of the course you’re working on. An example of a URL would be,

Our email address is listed below or click here to fill out a contact form.

Email the team support at edublogs dot org

Someone will upgrade your blog for you within 24 hours.

When you complete a course…

Send our team another email to let them know you’ve completed all the tasks for your course (make sure you’ve left a comment on each step of the course). We’ll then extend your Edublogs Pro subscription for 12 months.

What Are The Benefits Of Edublogs Pro?

A free blog is great for getting started but there are a few advantages of using Edublogs Pro.

  • You can embed video and HTML code in your posts, pages, and widgets. This allows you to integrate all sorts of third-party tools into your blog like Padlet, visitor tracking widgets, Google Slides and Docs, and more.
  • You can allow your blog to be indexed by search engines like Google if you wish.
  • You will have 50GB of storage rather than 1GB. This allows you to add more photos, videos, files, and audio to your blog.
  • You can access visitor statistics in your dashboard and set up an email subscription for your readers.
  • You can use your own custom domain if this interests you.

Check out the features of our blogs at a glance in this comparison table. 


Our courses have helped thousands of educators get started with blogging and edtech over the years. We hope a free Pro blog will help you reap the rewards of blogging in 2019!

Be sure to spread the word and share this offer with your colleagues and PLN!

Any questions? Leave a comment and we’ll get back to you.

18 thoughts on “Free Pro Offer Extended For February!

  1. Hold on… why only a 1 and 12 month Pro subscription? Why not a permanent for people who have completed many of these?

    1. Hi there,
      Like many services, Edublogs Pro is a subscription service that people sign up for for as long as they’re using it.
      This offer ended in February.
      Thanks for asking,

  2. Hello,
    I completed the course before February 2019 and understand that I qualify for a free Edublogs Pro upgrade for a year. Please activate this for me.
    And thank you very much. I learned so much in undertaking the course.
    I have told all my colleagues at school.

    1. Hi Richard,
      Well done on completing the course and great work with all your thoughtful comments too!
      I have arranged the 12 month Pro upgrade.

  3. I am pleased to learn that the “Free Pro Offer” has been “Extended For February!” Arriving late to the original January offer as I did, I found myself playing catch up from the start. However, the carefully planned month long experience served as a form of a personal digital retreat. The course made me reflect on my blogging past, the highs and lows, the opportunities missed and the mistakes made. Do I qualify to continue under the February extension or will some of my installed features cease to function? Either way, thanks for the opportunity.

    1. Hi there,
      So glad to hear you’ve enjoyed reflecting on your blogging so far. Feel free to email the team ([email protected]) so we can make sure you have the Pro features to finish the course in February.

  4. Thank you for extending the deadline! I was panicking that I had to finish 5 lessons in two days. Now I can relax and really take the time to understand all there is to learn.

  5. That’s great news, I am working at the same time of the course, but I sometimes run out of time. I enjoy the self-paced course and learnt a lot from it.

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