This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and edtech enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it to join in, or sign up to receive email reminders of each new prompt.
When working with students, we often hear the term “meet them where they are.” Most times, we think of this in terms of their mastery of skills. However, sometimes it can mean engaging them in their own interests. Whether it’s Minecraft, SpongeBob, or Hamilton the Musical, bringing popular culture into the classroom in meaningful ways can engage students and build relationships.
Here is what a Texas’ High School student has to say on the subject:
This week, we discuss the different types of strategies for using popular culture in the classroom to further student engagement.
Prompt: Write a post about using popular culture in the classroom.
Some questions to jumpstart your thinking:
- What kind of popular culture do you bring into the classroom? How do you use it?
- Do you have any comic books or graphic novel favorites that you use for reading and textual analysis? Why do you choose those?
- What are your favorite television shows or movies in your classes? Why do you find these helpful tools?
- Do you have any favorite songs that you bring into your classroom? How have students responded to your music? Why do you bring in these pieces?
I can’t wait to learn from everyone with this topic. Remember to share a link in the comments below.
Happy blogging!
Still on my one post a day roll to catch up! Here is my post on pop culture in the classrom:
Thanks for reading! @mrsruiz2301…in-the-classroom/
My post focuses on ensuring sound pedagogical practices are used in the classroom and outlines an activity I where I used music. I also outline the importance of making the learning transparent, which should link in well to our next challenge on feedback.
My final catch up post! Yay!!! Different songs I use to spark instruction. Some pop culture, some not…
I use memes
I also love memes! They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a pic & a line, as in a meme, can speak a lifetime!
I hadn’t even thought about memes as part of pop culture (silly me!) so thanks for the reminder, Nina!
A little late, but it was an unusually busy week for a retiree! Hope all enjoy my contribution for bringing Pop Culture into the School Library.
Yes, I have strands of silver
I totally sympathize Alicia. As one with a full head of grey hair, the most significant event for my children was the Challenger Disaster and for me it was the Kennedy Assassination when I was in 9th grade! It’s harder than ever to keep up with what’s current & impactful!
Better late than never
It’s a 2 post kind of week! Was off topic the first time. More on topic this time!
Making Meaning Through Pop Culture – HEART WORK
Connect with me on twitter @sheila_vick
My post is small. I am really interested to get some ideas from the others in the challenge.
Happy Sunday fellow Edubloggers! This week’s topic made me laugh, and laughing makes me write. Hope you like it!
This was a tough one, but I’m determined to keep up!
Nice job Julie!
I think you and I were on the same wavelength this week on this topic. I love your use of books as pop culture. I went directly to TV shows, but books work too and they do quickly shape ‘pop culture.’
Have a great week!
Finally getting some posts together. I’m looking forward to seeing what people thought about this. Here are my meager efforts:
Keith, I couldn’t get the link to work.
Hi Julie
I’ve fixed the link to Keith’s post which you can find here
OK, I fell off the saddle week before last and didn’t get the prompt at all last week, but I’m back in the saddle this week!
Here’s my post!
Why I don’t use pop culture in my classroom.
I love your post. I’m not super-cool either. Lucky for me I’m not in the classroom with regularity anymore so I rely on my super-cool teachers to keep my up to speed. 😉
Off topic again, but still going strong with one post a week since starting! Here to share even though off topic.
The Game of School #immooc 2 – HEART WORK
Connect with me on twitter: @sheila_vick
I’m trying to teach my college students to write a polite email rather than sending one liners like “why did you give me a 62 on the test” so include pleasantries in my weekly reminders.
This week’s short blog post recounts my pop culture fail when referencing the Academy Awards in an email.
Here is my Pop Culture post! Bonus points if you can properly identify all the .gif movie images.
Twitter: @Gallagher_Tech
This is GREAT! And wow, if all your references are still considered pop culture then perhaps I am hipper than I thought. 😉