Our Class Blog List Has Been Updated — Is Your Class Blog on The List?

Look at this!A New Year means time to update the Check out Class Blogs list which has been growing since November, 2008.

About the Class Blog list

It now contains over 200 class blogs, sorted into different categories based on age, subject area and type of blog.

The list was set up so educators can check out different types of class blogs to get ideas for their own class blog while also making connections with classes in other countries.

I’ve worked through ALL the blog URLs in the comments on Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us! to:

  • Remove blogs that have been deleted or are no longer active (haven’t updated since Jan, 2009)
  • Insert links to the new Class blog for educators who create a new blog for each school year
  • Add any blogs missing from the list

The list contains amazing examples of Class blogs from around the World!

How To Add Your Class Blog To The List

As Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us! post is now over 12 months old, and contains over 250 comments, I’m closing off comments on that post.

Off course I’m still happy to grow our Check out Class Blogs list — I just need to restart the list to make it manageable again 😎

If you want to add your class blog to this list (or update your class blog details) leave a comment on this post to share with us:

  1. Your Class Blog name(s) and URL(s).
  2. Approximate age of students and are they primary, secondary or tertiary?
  3. If applicable, what subject area? e.g. maths, science, language, history, English, Art, Music, ELL, ESL, & EFL
  4. Country

Here’s an example of the type of information needed:

Example of the information required

Please check the Check out Class Blogs list first before providing updated information.

If you are enjoying reading this blog, please consider feed-icon32x32 Finding and Adding Creative Commons Images To Your Blog PostsSubscribing For Free!

191 thoughts on “Our Class Blog List Has Been Updated — Is Your Class Blog on The List?

  1. My class blog is “Mr Gerin’s Participation in Government Class”
    It is a 12th grade social studies class in New York City
    Visit at gerin.edublogs.org/

  2. Hi Susan,

    My class blog is called `KD’s Blog’ and can be found here
    The children are in Kindergarten (5/6 year olds) in Sydney, Australia. I set up the blog this term as a way to share with parents and family who are unable to visit our class regularly (or at all!). I wanted to give them an insight into their child’s day at school, which they may not otherwise have. So far the feedback has been extremely positive! I am really hoping to connect with classes in other parts of the world and hopefully commenting here will help me to achieve this.
    This is my first visit to you blog (via Kath McGeady’s blog) and I will definately be back again. You are doing a sensational job!!


  3. Hi Sue!

    Our class blog is called Techie Kids, http://edublogs.misd.net/techiekids/
    I am currently teaching Technology to students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade. This blog began as a way to share projects that the students were doing in class with their families at home. It has become an authentic platform for global learning!

    I try to teach Technology by integrating it into all other subject areas in a meaningful context. I love to collaborate with the classroom teachers to extend the learning. I am amazed at the vast array of possibilities that blogging has opened up for my students. I am happy to be a part of this wonderful blogging community!

    Thanks for providing us with this excellent resource to connect with each

    Kelly Moore
    Michigan, USA

  4. Classroom Blog Board is a collection of science lessons for my secondary classes. I copy the posts to my class blogs and students respond from there. You can link through to my class blogs from the Classroom Blog Board.

    Russell Ogden
    Classroom Blog Board
    Secondary Science & Biology
    Years 7 – 11
    Leongatha Australia

  5. This is my Primary 6 blog. Used for home/school liaison to let parents see what is going on in school. Secondly it is used to leave links to sites that pupils can use for independent learning/practice at home. Thirdly I am trying to teach the pupils how to leave good comments and how to respond to the comments of others.

  6. Students wanted their class blog to reflect their personality and their work in Biology. Coming from Leongatha Secondary College in rural Victoria, Australia, they wanted a name that included their location and year level and so chose lscgathabiotens. Our topic has been genetics and students have attempted to record their learnings on the blog.
    Our URL is: http://gathabiotens.wordpress.com/

  7. We are a 6th grade humanities class studying Anthropology and Ancient Greece this year. We love to blog and would like to have comments and suggestions from students around the world. Please share your blogs with us.

  8. Hi
    Our class blog address is http://anacristinafrei.blogspot.com/.
    My students are 10-11 year olds, from Portugal.
    The blog is a general class blog for a variety of uses.It was used primarily for a Language Arts class.Then is a tool for sharing works with students, teachers and families in our community while also teaching the kids somethings about using technology.
    thanks for sharing
    Cristina Ferreira

  9. Hi there,

    I have been running a classroom blog for year 3/4 ( 7 and 8 year olds)

    The blog is used to show the community what is happening in our classroom

    We are room 2 at Burnham School Primary School, New Zealand.


    We would love to be put onto blog

    Room 2 + Mr Thurlow

  10. Hi, we are a year 6 class from the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia. We have over 65 students in a team teaching environment and utilise technology in all areas of our program. We use the blog to communicate with parents, publish work, homework, notes, excursions…….basically everything. We see it as a way bringing the classroom to the parents – we even have them commenting on their lunch breaks. We have numerous blogs allocated to student clubs and units of work, and most are updated and maintained by our students. We would love to link up with other classes somewhere in the world and look forward to hearing from you 🙂


  11. 1. I just created a blog for my ninth grade college prep composition class. It is called College Preparatory Composition, and the url is http://ecacomposition.edublogs.org/
    2. I will have around 50 ninth-graders in the fall in two sections of composition. I will also have a class of 10 Advanced Composition students.
    3. We will be primarily a composition class, but we will also explore issues in modern technology and writings tools/purposes.
    4. Denver, Colorado, USA

  12. Hi:
    We are a 5-6 grade humanities class who want comments on our first attempt at blogging. We are also looking for a 6th grade class to Skype with in September . We’d love to get in touch with any class who will be reading Bone From a Dry Sea by Peter Dickinson in September to share a wikki.
    We are in upstate NY

    Thanks Shirley

  13. My blog is entitled Mrs. De Giovanni’s Resources. It is mainly aimed to provide follow up information, reading suggestions, exam studying tips for English and English Literature at Form 4 and Form 5 level (14-15 years old). The blog was set up for girls in a Church school in Malta, Europe.

  14. Hello Sue,

    My class blog name is: beyondborders

    The students using this blog are in grades 8 – 12, secondary, age range from 13-19.

    This blog is used primarily for a Language Arts class, but students completing independent directed studies are also using beyondborders as their connecting site.

    We are in Canada,

    Thank you for adding us to the list!!

  15. Our blog address is mrsjessicawhite.edublogs.org. This is a brand new blog I set up for a new class at a new school…4th grade, ages 9-10. I plan on using this blog for a variety of purposes, and I am excited to teach my students about blogging.

  16. Hi Everyone,
    I teach the Opportunity Class (year 5 and 6 gifted and talented students) at Soldiers Point Public School, NSW, Australia.

    Our class blog (41 Weeks with 5/6C) shares learning experiences from each week at school. Our blog is a tool for sharing learning with students, teachers and families in our community while also teaching the kids all about using technology.

    Amy Cliff
    Year 5 and 6

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