Our Class Blog List Has Been Updated — Is Your Class Blog on The List?

Look at this!A New Year means time to update the Check out Class Blogs list which has been growing since November, 2008.

About the Class Blog list

It now contains over 200 class blogs, sorted into different categories based on age, subject area and type of blog.

The list was set up so educators can check out different types of class blogs to get ideas for their own class blog while also making connections with classes in other countries.

I’ve worked through ALL the blog URLs in the comments on Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us! to:

  • Remove blogs that have been deleted or are no longer active (haven’t updated since Jan, 2009)
  • Insert links to the new Class blog for educators who create a new blog for each school year
  • Add any blogs missing from the list

The list contains amazing examples of Class blogs from around the World!

How To Add Your Class Blog To The List

As Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us! post is now over 12 months old, and contains over 250 comments, I’m closing off comments on that post.

Off course I’m still happy to grow our Check out Class Blogs list — I just need to restart the list to make it manageable again 😎

If you want to add your class blog to this list (or update your class blog details) leave a comment on this post to share with us:

  1. Your Class Blog name(s) and URL(s).
  2. Approximate age of students and are they primary, secondary or tertiary?
  3. If applicable, what subject area? e.g. maths, science, language, history, English, Art, Music, ELL, ESL, & EFL
  4. Country

Here’s an example of the type of information needed:

Example of the information required

Please check the Check out Class Blogs list first before providing updated information.

If you are enjoying reading this blog, please consider feed-icon32x32 Finding and Adding Creative Commons Images To Your Blog PostsSubscribing For Free!

191 thoughts on “Our Class Blog List Has Been Updated — Is Your Class Blog on The List?

  1. I am a teacher-librarian in a Kindergarten though Grade 5 elementary school in Massachusetts, USA. I have a blog called Library Chats to communicate with parents and to share what is happening in the library, especially the students’ Readers Theaters. http://cchase.edublogs.org/
    This year we have a group of 4th and 5th grade students who are blogging about all the great things happening at our school – they are called Chickering Reporters. They have been learning how to conduct interviews, write news reports, create slideshows; they especially like when they can get themselves in the blog post. 😉 Please check it out.
    They love the idea that they are writing for ‘the world’. Thanks edublog for such a great tool.

    Cheryl Chase, MLS

  2. Hi,
    I’m a first grade teacher from Shanghai American School in China.
    I started my blog because the school made me – as a communication tool for parents, but I love it and I try to make it be so much more. I think of it as a place where I can share our learning with the world. I can’t wait to check out some of the other classrooms on the list. Thanks for putting it all together.

    My blog is called Mrs Hossack’s First Graders.
    I teach first grade in Shanghai, China to expatriate students from around the world.


  3. We are a Grade 2 class of 24 students in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada. We are excited to expand our Classroom website into our first Edublog! Our classroom is full of plants, classroom pets, and nature studies. We have lots of Monitor Jobs like “Entomologist”, “Community News Reporter”, and “Computer Technician”. Our Traveling Stuffies have been all over the world (the teacher is jealous!!!) and Monty Moose has his own website too! We look forward to sharing ideas with all the wonderful classroom Edublogs we have seen so far!

  4. We are a year 6 class of over 60 students and this is our second year with edublogs. We are from Merrlands East Public school and we use this blog to communicate with parents, display work, record images, sounds and movies and use it as a publishing tool to diaplay all our programs and activities that we are a part of. We would love to have a buddy class to work with and are keen to work with anyone anywhere.

  5. http://sec4.edublogs.org/
    I and my partner Meltem are currently teaching Intermediate level students (aged between 17-19) at The School of Languages,Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey.

    We use our class blog as an e-folder to keep their written and oral work. We open posts,students leave their comments; we give feedback to their entries and they edit their work. They also read each other’s work and leave comments. They also use “podomatic” and “voicethread” to record their oral work on certain tasks and concepts: We also keep them in our blog.

    We would like to work with other prep classes from different universities/colleges all around the world and share our work with others.

  6. I and my partner Meltem are currently teaching Intermediate level students (aged between 17-19) at The School of Languages,Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey.

    We use our class blog ( http://sec4.edublogs.org/) as an e-folder to keep their written and oral work. We open posts,students leave their comments; we give feedback to their entries and they edit their work. They also read each other’s work and leave comments. They also use “podomatic” and “voicethread” to record their oral work on certain tasks and concepts: We also keep them in our blog.

    We would like to work with other prep classes from different universities/colleges all
    around the world and share our work with others.

  7. I just started my classroom blog. I teach third grade in a small (85 kids), rural school in Midwest America. I wanted to start a blog to serve as a way to communicate, connect, and collaborate with students, parents, and other classrooms around the world. My immediate goal is to maintain communication with my students over the summer. I hope to provide them with various links to keep their reading skills and math skills up to par over the long summer break. I also hope to have some online book discussions over the summer.

  8. Hello,
    We are group of Grade 1 & 2 students on the northern tip of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. Our class blog is primarily used to communicate and highlight our class projects, themes and activities. Our blog is also used as a general access point for students to access the internet. Links to projects, links to learning sites and links to other web-based activities and programs are posted to the blog.
    Sarah Soltau-Heller

  9. Hi,
    We are a 4-5-6 double class unit of approx 50 students and 2 teachers in Tasmania, Australia. Our class blog is used primarily to address different aspects of our ICT curriculum and as a way of enriching and supporting other curriculum areas. We are all enjoying the process a great deal and are learning heaps into the bargain!
    Elizabeth Viney
    Class Teacher

  10. My main reason for using a blog for my Year 8 Mathematics class (13/14 year olds) was to give them some experience of how technology can be used to support them in their classroom. They are each getting a laptop next year and past experience has shown that the majority of students receiving this technology have no idea how it can be used in an educational environment.

    We are also using the blog as a way of communicating with students’ families and launching and discussing ideas for enrichment projects and classwork.

    Thanks for reading and thanks for the opportunity

    Ian Woods
    Maths Teacher
    Shoalhaven High School
    Nowra, NSW

  11. Hi,

    My Spanish class blog, “Blogueamos” (let’s blog) links each of my 8th graders blogs. We are just getting started this year, but if you look at the rubric page you will see that the purpose is purely for students to communicate with each other through their blogs. They are required to comment and respond to comments in small groups, and encouraged to go outside of their groups and visit as many student blogs as they are able.

    Emily Bogner Williams
    Greely Middle School
    Cumberland, ME

  12. This blog is by 4th and 5th grade students who are reporting on the activities and events happening at their elementary school in Massachusetts, U.S.A. They meet once a week with myself, teacher-librarian, to decide what to report, how to report this information, and assess how their choses worked. This is our first year with a Blog and we are experimenting with different forms of media.

    We hope you enjoy our Blog.

    Cheryl Caskie Chase, MLS
    Teacher Librarian
    Dover, MA 02030 U.S.A.

  13. We are a class of eager Year 3 learners at Summerland Primary, in Henderson, Auckland, NZ. Our teacher is Glenys. We want to share our learning with as many people as we can.

  14. Hi…we are a Grade 7 class that has been blogging for the past month. We began with each student selecting a personal passion and selecting 5 different avenues to explore that passion…via research and opinion. We would love to have some guests visit our blogs and hopefully we can do the same by visiting your blogs as well.
    Our student blogs cover topics from movies to photography to parkour…(that crazy sport where people run up the side of buildings and stuff…).
    Hope to you see you soon!
    check us out at http://bit.ly/div1blogs
    student blogs on the right side!

  15. Hi,
    We are two year 6 classes in Western Australia. We are taking part in a masters study, to see whether blogs are better than handwritten journals. Students are journaling online about events that are happening in the local community. We would love to communicate with other students from all over the world.

    Our Journal
    Two year six classes (Ages 10-11)
    Western Australia.

  16. 1) STUBBY or Shantou University Blog By You is a blog about the English Language Center at Shantou University in China and some of the classes. The blog provides a space for students to use the English language to communicate to people about life on-campus and other issues.


    2) University students (18-22), and faculty

    3) EFL

    4) China

  17. Hello, we are a group of Grade 5 and 6 students living in Northern Tasmania (Australia) who have just started using blogging in our classroom.

    We would love to be added to the class blog list and receive comments from all over the world.

    Room 001
    Grade 5 & 6 Students

  18. Hello!

    My second grade class website serves to help connect the students with the world outside our doors. I have students from all over the world and we’re always looking for new visitors so we can share the work we do. Hope you like it — it’s always changing!


  19. Hello, my name is Eva Suárez and I’ve been working with my class blog for two years. I work in a Languages School in the Canary Islands, Spain. In my school with teach EFL for adult students. I leave you the details now:

    Blog name: English in Guía – Nivel Intermedio
    url: http://englishinguiaintermedio.wordpress.com
    number of students: 25
    ages: 17-35
    country: Spain

    Thank you in advance for this opportunity.


  20. Hi Sue,

    I recently started a blog for my 8th grade Social Studies classes. The blog is primarily used for communication between home and school, a place to showcase student work, and to provide opportunities for students to connect with our global community.
    Please check us out and leave a comment:)

    Ms. DiGangi’s class blog:
    URL: http://theconch.edublogs.org/
    8th grade students – ages 13-14
    Subject Area: Social Studies: Civics, Service Learning & US History
    Country: USA

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