Our Class blog list has been improved – Is Your Class Blog on the List?

The idea was simple!

Create a class blog list for educators to use as a resource to get ideas for their own class blog and make connections with classes in other countries.

Now over 2 years later since the class blog list was first created in 2008:

  1. It’s still growing
  2. It’s the most visited page on this blog

But like all good ideas it does take work 😎

So it’s now been updated to ensure that it does remain current and contain resources that are helpful.

This update I’ve looked at how else can I make it a better resource?

New Categories

Improved Categories

Firstly, I wanted to make it easier for you to find the class blogs for the grades and/or subjects you teach.

So I’ve improved the categories to better separate:

  1. Primary / Elementary into each Grade level
  2. Secondary / High into subject areas.

Updated All Blogs

Checked all blogs current

Next, I’ve checked every blog on the list and removed any that have been:

  1. Deleted
  2. No longer exist
  3. Are no longer active (haven’t updated within 6 months)
  4. Have changed their privacy from public to private.

And off course, made sure all new blogs submitted were added to the list.

Class Blogging Since ?

Blogging since icon

Finally. with over 200 class blogs on the list, I wanted to make a way for you to be able to quickly scan the list while learning more about the age of specific blogs.

So I’ve added an icon next to the older class blogs to show how long that blog has been used as a class blog for.

For example, Class blogging since 2004 means the blog has been used for class blogging since 2004 whereas a blog with Class blogging since 2009 has been used as a class blog since 2009.

I’m sure others, like myself, will be amazed at how long some of these blogs have been used for class blogging!

Is your Class blog on the List?

You can check out the more information about each class blog in these post:

I’ve now had to close off comments on both those posts so I can make the class blog submissions manageable again.

If you want to add your class blog to this list (or update your class blog details) leave a comment on this post to share with us:

  1. Your Class Blog name(s) and URL(s).
  2. Approximate age of students
  3. What category does the blog belong to?  Primary, Secondary, Vocational Education and Training, College, University, Home School?  If applicable. what subject areas?  Refer to the category list on Our check out Class blogs page.
  4. Country
  5. Age of class blog.  Blogging since?
  6. Feel free to add other information as educators do refer to comments left to connect with other class blogs!

Please check the Check out Class Blogs list first before providing updated information.

Here’s an example of the type of information needed:

Example of the information required

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111 thoughts on “Our Class blog list has been improved – Is Your Class Blog on the List?

  1. Hi Sue,
    I’ve been blogging with my class for years, but have just moved schools, and so have started a new blog. So far the children are the most enthusiastic I have had! We are very keen to collect visitors from all over the world, and would particularly like to form links with classes of similar ages.
    Blog Name – The Jets Class Blog
    Blog Url – http://albertvillagejets.blogspot.com/
    Age – Year 2 (6-7 years old)
    Primary Category
    Rebecca Davies

  2. Hi,

    I am currently establishing my class blog. It is used as a communication tool but I am hoping to expand the use of the blog to making global connections as I learn more. I teach Grade 3 (ages 8-9) at a school in Stittsville, Ontario, Canada. The title of the blog (for now) is Mrs. Georganas.ca and the URL is mrsgeorganas.edublogs.org

    I’m also looking for a “teaching partner” to learn about blogging with and to co-think and plan and create!



  3. My classroom blog is: http://stories114.blogspot.com/
    My students are 2nd graders (ages 7-9)
    The category would be primary.
    My assistant and I teach in an urban city in Michigan. We just started blogging in December 2011.
    Stories From Room 114 provides stories of our adventures with our 2nd graders – the good, the bad, and the “did that really just happen”
    Hope you enjoy our stories!

  4. Hello,

    We’re a group of grade 3/4 students in Victoria, Australia. We’d love to set up quad blogging for when we return from school holidays.

    Our blog is used mainly to share our learning with parents, friends and other classes. Making links with other classes has been a real highlight for us. We’re always on the look out for new global projects. Please contact us if you would like to work on a project together.

    Our address is http://upps.global2.vic.edu.au


  5. Hello!

    We’d love to be added to you class blogs list we run several different blogs in our visual arts department, one for each of our courses:


    2. Our pupils are aged 16-19

    3. We are a Sixth Form College

    4. We are located in Coulsdon, South East London, UK

    5. We’ve been blogging since November 2010


  6. Hi Sue, Please add us to the list!

    1. We are the “CPS Junior Room” and you can find us at http://cpsjunior.edublogs.org

    2. My students are aged between 4 and 8. We are a Kindergarten/Pre-Primary/Year 1/Year 2 class.

    3. Primary School.

    4. We are situated in Rural Western Australia, Australia.

    5. Our blog is relatively new…like just over 6 months old!

    6. I have implemented a blog into our classroom this year as a tool for communicating with parents, to interact with the other classes in our school and well as with our ‘sister’ school up the road. We decided as a school that our students needed to learn more about appropriate online behaviours, etc prior to going to high school. I am also one of 2 very passionate ‘IT’ teachers.

  7. Our blog, edited by 7th graders serves 2 purposes: 1. We publish book report, book reviews. and essays from students of all ages. 2. We give all advertising commissions to non-profit service projects and charities. Please visit our website at http://www.littlesquirrelbookreview.org. We’re a student “blog with a mission!” South Carolina, USA, all grades

  8. Hi
    We are a class of 26 7,8 & 9 year old children – Year 3 & 4
    We are in Middleham, North Yorkshire, England
    We have been blogging since March 2011. We like to share our work and achievements with our school community, and other interested schools around the globe.
    We are called ‘A Room with a View’.

    Catherine Monaghan

  9. Hi Sue,
    this site must eat up your time, I’d like to say a big thank you for all that you do.
    My school blog has set itself a little challenge to be visited by every state in USA by Dec 31st. There are ten to go. Can I ask anyone that blogs in Alaska to just pass by our blog…please.
    We are a school of 93 children in North Yorkshire, England and we’d be happy to share a little blogging activity time with you.

    best wishes
    Mr E

  10. Primary Gifted Class Blogs- Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade Student in Kansas City, Missouri
    This is our first year to blog. This fall our 2nd grade gifted students will begin individual blogs that will be linked to our site. We would love to collaborate with other global blogging children!

  11. Our school in New Zealand is a new one. Our students are year 6 to 10 and are very much interested in blogs. We would like to communicate with a school anywhere else in the world and perhaps we share and improve our knowledge and views.

  12. Hi Sue!
    Our blog is called Mrs. Swift’s Class Blog (Formerly Grade Three is Great!) our url is http://mswift.edublogs.org

    Approximate age of students-9 year olds

    This is a Primary Blog (Grade 4)
    from Ontario, Canada

    I have been blogging with students since 2009.

    The purpose of the blog is to:
    -communicate with families
    -motivate students to write by giving them a platform to publish their work
    -teach students about internet safety and appropriate social media skills
    -have an online “keepsake” of our year

    Happy blogging, everyone!
    Mrs. Swift

  13. Hey Sue,

    It would be great if you could add our blog to the primary category. We are a grade 3 and 4 class.

    Our URL is missbarnard.edublogs.org.

    We have been blogging since September 2010 (our previous URL was barnardoneillc.edublogs.org)

    We are from North Hatley, Quebec, Canada
    We are known as Miss B’s Block

    Hope I didn’t miss anything!?

    Miss B

  14. Hi Sue,
    We would love to be on the class blog list!
    We are a Grade 2/3 Class from Napoleons Primary School, a rural school in Victoria, Australia. We have just over 100 students, and the students in this class are becoming very excited about the global connections we have made so far.
    – Grade 2/3 at Napoleons Primary School
    – Ages 7, 8 and 9 years old.
    – Category: Primary: Grade 2/3
    – Victoria, Australia.
    – Under 6 months old. Thanks to the Edublogger and other class blogs we have made a lot of progress on our blog already!
    Please visit our blog and leave a comment!

  15. http://lsquires.edublogs.org

    This homework blog serves as an extra resource for my students to find homework, test and quiz dates, and also answers to review assignments.

    I am a mathematics teacher in a secondary school in the USA. My students are ages 14-18 (grades 9 through 12). This particular “blog” I’ve been using since September of 2010.

  16. Hi All,
    My grade would love people to visit our blog and make comments on our learning.
    blog address grade1ml.global2.vic.edu.au
    Year 1 children ages of 6 and 7 years.

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