Our Class blog list has been improved – Is Your Class Blog on the List?

The idea was simple!

Create a class blog list for educators to use as a resource to get ideas for their own class blog and make connections with classes in other countries.

Now over 2 years later since the class blog list was first created in 2008:

  1. It’s still growing
  2. It’s the most visited page on this blog

But like all good ideas it does take work 😎

So it’s now been updated to ensure that it does remain current and contain resources that are helpful.

This update I’ve looked at how else can I make it a better resource?

New Categories

Improved Categories

Firstly, I wanted to make it easier for you to find the class blogs for the grades and/or subjects you teach.

So I’ve improved the categories to better separate:

  1. Primary / Elementary into each Grade level
  2. Secondary / High into subject areas.

Updated All Blogs

Checked all blogs current

Next, I’ve checked every blog on the list and removed any that have been:

  1. Deleted
  2. No longer exist
  3. Are no longer active (haven’t updated within 6 months)
  4. Have changed their privacy from public to private.

And off course, made sure all new blogs submitted were added to the list.

Class Blogging Since ?

Blogging since icon

Finally. with over 200 class blogs on the list, I wanted to make a way for you to be able to quickly scan the list while learning more about the age of specific blogs.

So I’ve added an icon next to the older class blogs to show how long that blog has been used as a class blog for.

For example, Class blogging since 2004 means the blog has been used for class blogging since 2004 whereas a blog with Class blogging since 2009 has been used as a class blog since 2009.

I’m sure others, like myself, will be amazed at how long some of these blogs have been used for class blogging!

Is your Class blog on the List?

You can check out the more information about each class blog in these post:

I’ve now had to close off comments on both those posts so I can make the class blog submissions manageable again.

If you want to add your class blog to this list (or update your class blog details) leave a comment on this post to share with us:

  1. Your Class Blog name(s) and URL(s).
  2. Approximate age of students
  3. What category does the blog belong to?  Primary, Secondary, Vocational Education and Training, College, University, Home School?  If applicable. what subject areas?  Refer to the category list on Our check out Class blogs page.
  4. Country
  5. Age of class blog.  Blogging since?
  6. Feel free to add other information as educators do refer to comments left to connect with other class blogs!

Please check the Check out Class Blogs list first before providing updated information.

Here’s an example of the type of information needed:

Example of the information required

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111 thoughts on “Our Class blog list has been improved – Is Your Class Blog on the List?

  1. We started our WCTV blog just last week – April 2011. We are a 9th grade multi-media class in Fayetteville, AR. Currently, we have a class blog on our school website. This is our first try at a larger blog outlet.

  2. Title of Blog: Teaching and Learning in 2011

    We are a small rural school in upstate NY, in the foothills of the Adirondacks. This particular class blog is a teacher and student blog evolving, concerning events of a third grade self-contained classroom where technology is highly recognized as important to the development of 21st century skills. We are skyping, have a wiki, and are now blogging.

    The blog had its beginning in 2009, evolving from teacher resource to student resource and display. Our language arts classroom wouldn’t be the same without it.

    The blog is embedded in my clasroom webpage, but shall become my class page as it is current. With tags, it is easy to quickly access prior lessons or activities.

  3. We are a Primary 1 (4-5 years old) class at Piasau School in Miri, Malaysia. Our school is an international school and we use the IPC (International Primary Curriculum)


    We started our blog in November 2010 and it is mainly a link between school and home. The children in our school come from all over the world and our blog also enables their families far away to be part of our learning journey.

  4. Your Class Blog name(s) and URL(s):
    Mrs. Jefferson’s Classroom
    Approximate age of students 11-12
    What category does the blog belong to? Secondary
    What subject areas? English-Language Arts
    Country: United States
    Age of class blog >year
    Blogging since? 2010
    This site is primarily used as my class website. Parents, students, and guests can take a look into our 6th grade classroom. Students have really taken an interest in the blog and are enjoying adding their own voice.

  5. Hi Sue!
    Our class blog was started this year as a tool both to let our friends and families see what we are up to but also to give the kids an authentic audience for their learning. They love looking at how many visitors we have and where they are from. We are looking to find like minded blog buddies around the world to help us make global connections!
    Blog name: Miss Baker’s Beaut Bunch
    Blog url http://bakersbeautbunch.blogspot.com/
    Primary level, year 2 (grade 1) students
    Auckland, New Zealand

  6. Thanks every one again and adding another comment so I can keep track of where I am at with updating the class list.

    Also G’day to Darren Grant in Perth, Scotland from where I live in Perth, Western Australia 🙂

  7. Hi Sue

    Myself and my colleague have created a joint blog this year which we have seen flourish with many hits and comments from children and parents in our local community. We are looking to expand our global connections.

    Blog Name – Grade 1B and 1C
    Blog Url – http://hunichenhollands.global2.vic.edu.au/
    Age – children are in grade 1 (7-8 years old)
    Primary Category
    Our blog is new this year

    Tara Hunichen

  8. Hi Sue
    Our blog name is Year 6 Class of 2011.
    URL is http://year6classof2011.edublogs.org
    We are 11 to 12 year olds
    We’ve only just started our blog – March 2011
    I had this class two years ago when they were in year 4 and we had a blog up and running then so this is a second time around but the first time the students have had their own blogs.
    Our class blog is a general education blog, a forum to showcase our school work.

  9. Hi everyone,

    I’m an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) professor in South Korea. Our class blog/website title is “Melissa’s Students ROK,” (ROK = Republic of Korea). My students range from English majors to those just taking the required English Conversation courses for credit. Their English abilities are “across the board,” from very low-level to intermediate. Some students have been abroad. I’m very interested in using technology with my students, especially since 2 hours of English a week is not nearly enough.

    My “Basic English Conversation & Writing” (for English majors) class has a blogging assignment worth 15% of their grade. They are interested in communicating with high-school students (most of them recent high school graduates themselves) from America, England, Australia, and Canada. I am interested in at least 1 school from each of the above countries for a quad blog challenge/experience.

    We can’t wait to hear from you! See you on the blogosphere!


  10. http://mrsmays.edublogs.org/
    (with the oh-so-original name “Mrs. Mays’s class”)

    We have been blogging for a little over a year and a half. My students are in kindergarten through fifth grade (ages 5-12) and they all have autism and are mostly nonverbal. The blog is a way for them to “tell” their parents what they are learning about and what they do at school.

    Oh yeah – country! We are in the USA (GA).

  11. We are a year 5/6 class of 9 and 10 year olds at Wairakei School in Christchurch New Zealand.
    Each day we attempt to work hard, get along with others, think and make meaningful connections in our learning.
    Please follow us as we go on our learning journey this year.
    We would love to comment on your posts and for you to do the same. Who wants to become a blog buddy!?

  12. Hi Sue,
    I have set up a class blog to encourage my Primary 6 pupils to develop their literacy and journalistic skills. We have been going for a few months now and its great to see how the quality of the pupils post has improved over such a short space of time.


    Please add us to the list as we would like to reach a larger audience. Thanks.

  13. Hi there,
    We have been blogging within our classroom community since November 2010 but are now eager to connect with other classrooms in different parts of the world. We live on the east coast of Canada. Please add us to the list and come and visit!

  14. Hi Sue,

    We have just started our class blog and will start student blogs in a few weeks. I am going to use data gathered from this blogging experience for my Masters thesis which will focus on social aspects, sense of community, and attitudes towards blogging in a middle school English class.

    The class blog is for three grade 6 English classes I teach in a middle school in Turkey.

    We had our first lesson this week and the students were very positive, though the emphasis of this lesson was more to create a sense of community and to learn how to comment. I hope the students continue as we cover more academic issues.

    our url is http://blistr6.edublogs.org

  15. Hi Sue

    Our primary school Library blog has recently moved from Global Student to Edublogs at http://smotlrcblog.edublogs.org/

    Our LRC blog was established in March, 2009. It is a place to share the work we do in our LRC, promote reading, provide links to our favourite authors and it has been a great way to flatten our LRC walls. We are hoping to collaborate with some other school libraries this year!

    Kim 🙂

  16. My name is Bill Oldham and I teach Year 11 Info Tech at a Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Technical and Further Education (TAFE) college.

    The students vary from 17 to 25 years old and are a great multicultural mixture of different nationalities.

    The class blog is http://unit1infotech2011.wordpress.com/ and is used for a content management system and for my personal ranting and raving (Whoops – that should be student guidance and counseling?)

    I am looking forward to being part of the Challenge to improve my own blogging skills and to get students interested in having their own blog.

    Cheers, Bill

  17. Just another quick comment to say I’ve now updated this list again and thanks all for sharing.

    Sorry about adding the comment but I need to so I can keep track of where I am with updating the list!

    But while I’m here we do have a new Challenge happening on the Teacher Challenge blog where we highlight a new tool each day to use with students. If you haven’t checked it out yet you’ll find it here – http://teacherchallenge.edublogs.org/

  18. I recently set up a blog on my web site for grades 3 – 5. The students absolutely love it. Collaboration amongst grade levels provides me with each grade level’s SCOS. I then develop lessons that integrate the classroom curriculum, current events and 21st century technology tools.

    Students are able to synthesize information, problem solve for solutions to various issues, express their opinions and collaborate with their peers. It’s amazing how motivated they were to learn this new technology skill.

    I plan to provide staff development and parent training sessions to educate,recruit, and build a needed collaborative support system from all stakeholders.

    You’re invited to explore some of the ways our students are embracing blogging. Upon opening the link, scroll down to “Walden.” Then type “guest” as the password. I would love to hear your feedback.

  19. I just started my first grade blog – “ECA’s Fantastic First Graders” after a 1.5 year hiatus (switching from Kindergarten and a new baby) – So this primary blog was established in 2011. I do have a link to my K blog that ran from 2006-2009 – (http://ecakinderkids.weebly.com/2008-2009.html).

    My students are first graders – 6/7 year olds
    We are at a Private School in Michigan, USA

    My site is a 2 part site – there is a website with interactive PowerPoints, videos and links to activities that directly enhance and support classroom instruction, and then a blog to showcase and encourage student writing and sharing with parents.

    I am so happy to be blogging again, I really missed it!

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