Our Class blog list has been improved – Is Your Class Blog on the List?

The idea was simple!

Create a class blog list for educators to use as a resource to get ideas for their own class blog and make connections with classes in other countries.

Now over 2 years later since the class blog list was first created in 2008:

  1. It’s still growing
  2. It’s the most visited page on this blog

But like all good ideas it does take work 😎

So it’s now been updated to ensure that it does remain current and contain resources that are helpful.

This update I’ve looked at how else can I make it a better resource?

New Categories

Improved Categories

Firstly, I wanted to make it easier for you to find the class blogs for the grades and/or subjects you teach.

So I’ve improved the categories to better separate:

  1. Primary / Elementary into each Grade level
  2. Secondary / High into subject areas.

Updated All Blogs

Checked all blogs current

Next, I’ve checked every blog on the list and removed any that have been:

  1. Deleted
  2. No longer exist
  3. Are no longer active (haven’t updated within 6 months)
  4. Have changed their privacy from public to private.

And off course, made sure all new blogs submitted were added to the list.

Class Blogging Since ?

Blogging since icon

Finally. with over 200 class blogs on the list, I wanted to make a way for you to be able to quickly scan the list while learning more about the age of specific blogs.

So I’ve added an icon next to the older class blogs to show how long that blog has been used as a class blog for.

For example, Class blogging since 2004 means the blog has been used for class blogging since 2004 whereas a blog with Class blogging since 2009 has been used as a class blog since 2009.

I’m sure others, like myself, will be amazed at how long some of these blogs have been used for class blogging!

Is your Class blog on the List?

You can check out the more information about each class blog in these post:

I’ve now had to close off comments on both those posts so I can make the class blog submissions manageable again.

If you want to add your class blog to this list (or update your class blog details) leave a comment on this post to share with us:

  1. Your Class Blog name(s) and URL(s).
  2. Approximate age of students
  3. What category does the blog belong to?  Primary, Secondary, Vocational Education and Training, College, University, Home School?  If applicable. what subject areas?  Refer to the category list on Our check out Class blogs page.
  4. Country
  5. Age of class blog.  Blogging since?
  6. Feel free to add other information as educators do refer to comments left to connect with other class blogs!

Please check the Check out Class Blogs list first before providing updated information.

Here’s an example of the type of information needed:

Example of the information required

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111 thoughts on “Our Class blog list has been improved – Is Your Class Blog on the List?

  1. I provide care for infants(2 mos.) through age 12 in my home. I started my blog Country Fun (countryfun.edublogs.org) in the summer of 2006. My purpose was to have it serve as a resource for my childcare families. I was able to eliminate the weekly newsletter and provide daily information as appropriate. My families were very receptive.
    Over the years I have continued to explore new tools available to bloggers and must say my blog continues to evolve. I now have extended families who enjoy the connection provided through the photos and videos.
    This last year there has been connection made with other early educators from around the world.
    My goal is still to share what we do during our days, but I have tried to expand it for more details, directions and resources.

  2. Year 2 St Marys Primary School in Derby have been blogging here since 2010. We are age 6-7 and we use the blog to communicate with parents and set homework and generally show off what we have been doing!

    We are really keen to make links with other classes round the world so please visit our blog at http://mrsmstmarys.edublogs.org and contact us


    Linda Morris

  3. Hi Sue,
    The blog I have created is a primary school blog so that we can show the world some of the great things that we are doing in 2MK. I hope the families of the students will be able to communicate with the students and see some of their work. I would also like to interact with other bloggers from around the world.

    2MK Blog
    Grade 2 age 7 and 8
    From Kim Milton

  4. Hi Sue,

    Just what our blog needs! We’re really trying to increase the traffic to our blog, at any level!

    You can find us here, and ‘we’ are a Grade 3/4 Class from a Primary School in Melbourne Australia, and we’re generally 8-10 years old.

    We only started blogging as a class in February of this year, so we’re quite new at it!

    Also finding that the blog isn’t being ‘supported’ like I’d hoped it would be… any tips? Seems the only comments I get are from the students when I allocate specific blogging time at school! Arrgh!



    1. Hi Kirby, it takes time to grow a class blog. The key is to take it slowly and really focus on building the fundamental skills with the students.

      I would strongly recommend you working through the activities in our Get Blogging With Students challenge it will definitely help. You’ll find all the posts here – http://teacherchallenge.edublogs.org/challenges-2/blogging-with-students/

      The post on building commenting skills and connecting with parents will really help – http://teacherchallenge.edublogs.org/2011/02/22/student-blogging-activity-3-beginner-teaching-quality-commenting/

      I’d also recommend joining the Student Challenge – http://studentchallenge.edublogs.org/

      1. Thanks Sue!

        I participated in the Teacher Challenge, and have done some activities from the Student Challenge.

        We’ve done a lot of commenting activities in our literacy block, both on and off the blog and have found these really beneficial!


  5. Hi Sue,
    We are a Year 1 class in Auckland, New Zealand.

    We have called our class blog ‘Kids with a View.’

    I have continued our blog from last year’s Year 1/2 class which was set up in June 2010. This year I teach Year 1 children (at the moment they are all 5 years old).
    As with most class blogs and teachers who blog, I believe blogging is a fantastic way to link the classroom with home. Our parents are now more informed as to what the children are learning out in the classroom. Our blog is also linked to our class wiki which the children are beginning to use more and more often. My plan is that from Term 2 the children will be able to operate their own kidblogs which will also be linked to our iclass blog.

    We would love to connect up and blog with children and teachers around the world.


    Lynne Laburn

  6. I have created my class blog as a home to school connection for my students and the computer classes I teach for grades K-5. With over 50,000 visitors in it’s first year (2010), http://mrmillertech.com is used all throughout the country.

    I use the website to post all lesson plans for my students to use, and a location for parents to be kept up to date with what is going on in my classroom. In addition, there is a link to tmy Edtech blog that I write, primarily for educators.

    Bryan Miller


    Yardley, Pennsylvania
    Educational Technology
    Grades k-5

  7. I use this blog http://teachingknowledge.wordpress.com as an exploration hub to help teachers in training in Mexico reflect upon what they do while they are preparing for the TKT exam to get an international certification. Most trainees have had no experience with these applications, nor blogging.

  8. I created Just Plain English (http://writingcu.wordpress.com) to provide a common space where university and adult students studying English as a Foreign language in Mexico could publish their written work. Most students had never blogged before in their life and I have ony been blogging successfully since the Teacher Challenge in January, 2011. Students range fro intermediate to advanced proficiency in their English.

  9. Thanks everyone and I’ve now updated the list to include all your class blogs.

    Denise – thanks and I’ve amended the blog URL.

    Lachlan 6ML – can I get you to confirm which grade level your students are so I can add your blog to the right category?

  10. Hey Sue,
    My class hosts Mr. Avery’s Classroom Blog. It is a fourth grade blog. I’ve hosted a blog since 2009 but have only been with Edublogs since December of 2010. We’ve made many great connections with other blogs from your list so far!

    Shawn Avery
    Mr. Avery’s Class Blog
    Plympton, Massachusetts, USA

  11. Hi,
    This A blog for posting information on what we have been doing in our class.

    It is also a hub for other blog eg: buddies, Cyber saftey, passion projects ect:

    This blog is run by students.

    We are from Victoria, Australia

  12. This is a class blog for grade 3 students, established in the 2009-2010 school year. I am enjoying blogging and the possibilities it has for the classroom.

    I am anxious to set up student blogs.

    Third Grade in Colton, NY

  13. Hi Sue,

    My blog (Mrs. Delgado’s Class Blog) has been up and going since the spring of 2010. I am a third grade teacher and I use the blog mainly to keep parents updated on what our class is doing and to provide a window into our projects and experiences. We are in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States.


    Laura Delgado

  14. I have been blogging here this school year, in the fall of 2010. My students are located in the United States. Our class is Texas state history, and I use the blog for parent communication, showcasing student work, sharing a class homework calender, and sharing projects/materials/links/etc.


    Will Waghorne

  15. Hi Sue
    Our blog is called Open the Door to B4.
    It is a primary blog, the children are age 6 and 7 and are in Year 2/3 (Grade 1/2).
    The blog was established in Feb 2010.
    Our blog is viewed around the world and we enjoy working with other classes.

    Judy McKenzie

  16. Rotolo Middle School 8th Grade Band

    Music Category

    Age: 12-14 (middle school)

    Country: USA

    Been blogging since 2010

    Edublogs is a great resource for interactive communication with our parents and students. We have a large band program and a blog allows us to keep everyone informed.

  17. We started our blog in August 2008 as a way to facilitate communication for all the sports programs at our high school. Although comments are welcomed, it is not as much of a traditional two-way blog. But it has helped communication at our school tremendously, and we love it!

    Lynda Reynolds
    SV Booster Club
    high school grades 9-12

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