Merry Christmas Everyone From……?

Merry Christmas everyone!  Thanks for all your amazing support this year and I hope you enjoy your holiday break!

Let’s Celebrate Together

To continue last year’s tradition I’ve written this post so we can celebrate Christmas / holidays as part of a global community.

This year I’ve created a WallWisher.  Thanks to Lesley Edwards for suggesting we use WallWisher.

Just go to WallWisher Educhristmas09 or click on Post A Sticky to add your season’s greeting. Feel free to link to photos, videos, or audio!

Our Christmas /Holiday Photos

I’ll also be embedding a Flickr Slideshow again this year:

  1. Just upload photos of how you celebrate Christmas /holiday in your part of the world to Flickr and tagged them educhristmas09
  2. Please add a description, including your geographical location, to each photo.

Refer to this series of posts if you are new to using Flickr.

Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

6 thoughts on “Merry Christmas Everyone From……?

  1. i believe that christmas is over raided now a days. due to the fact that every year is the same thing. All holidays are just a huge market scam and corporate big shots make money off us, by us buying there garbage that they market to the everyday person. Another reason that i believe that holidays is a scam is because that kids have learned that when christmas and any other holiday comes around kids are programed to expect nice expensive things from family members. That if a kid gets clothing they freak out because they didn’t get an awesome present that they have been begging for weeks, even months. The other fact is that some kids even have there parents running around just a few hours before christmas looking for a specific present that the kid wants. Every year that same kid usually will expect that next year he/she should get something better then last year. The more that every kid sees that they get good presents all because of a holiday they will be more excited about that holiday coming around again. What i am trying to say is that sure holidays are good but to a certain extent because that it gives kids something to look for. But there are always going to be those families that can afford nice things every year for there kid. So kids shouldn’t really get to into holidays much. Maybe when your really young from the ages of newborn to around 12 should be where christmas should be looked at. I personally have nothing against it i just believe that its a little bit to over raided in american society from the beginning to end.

  2. nice to meet you sue. if you would please notify people of my blog site the URL is if you want you could check it out to. Thanks for all your help

  3. Merry Christmas, Sue!

    Thank you and Lesley for this great idea.
    I’ve been reading the wall, I think I have to log in to see the “Post a Sticky” button; I’ll try, but just in case, I’m already wishing um “Feliz Natal” to all the Edublogs community, from Portugal.

      1. @Sue Waters, Hi Sue! It’s so joyful to hear from you again!
        I managed to post a sticky note after all and added a photo of a typical Portuguese dessert.
        I’m trying to come back on line again, working for a “blog make over” on my blogs. So far so good, I got back in touch with several global friends I missed a lot.
        Thank you for all your wonderful work and have a Happy New Year!

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