Join Us For The 2014 Build A PLN Teacher Challenge!

It’s almost October, and we hope you’re excited for Connected Educator month!

We had such an awesome response to our Teacher Challenges for blogging with students and personal blogging over the past month! Over 1,000 teachers from around the world signed up for the challenge, and we’ve loved reading your insightful comments.

Now that Connected Educator month events are getting underway, we’re pleased to present our third teacher challenge:

Whether you are new to being a connected educator, or want a refresher on all of the ways you can connect with others by building a personal learning network (PLN), come join us for our four week crash-course to get more connected.

Teacher Challenge: Build A PLN

Everyone has their own professional learning network (PLN).

It could be comprised of your colleagues, family, students, friends – whoever!

But with the power of the web and online collaboration – a PLN could really grow!

A PLN is about making connections and building personal relationships with teachers, school administrators, university professors, and experts around the world. No matter where you are in the world, there’s always someone online available to answer questions, share their expertise, and simply chat about what’s happening in their lives and classrooms.

In our email-delivered Teacher Challenge, we’ll guide you through the steps of building your own PLN.

How Does It Work?

The Edublogs Teacher Challenge is completely free of charge.

The Teacher Challenge lasts for 30 days, with 2-3 tasks per week that will be sent to you via email.

When you finish the Teacher Challenge, we’ll give you a badge to proudly display on your blog and a certificate of completion.

You can enroll by filling out this Google form.

The Teacher Challenge series begin on October 3rd.

If you want to get a head start or check out what the Teacher Challenges are all about, you can visit the Build A PLN Teacher Challenge.

Did you still want to participate in our other two Teacher Challenges on your own? Check them out at Blogging With Students Challenge and Personal Blogging Challenge.

Check out the following websites for more information on Connected Educator in your region:

3 thoughts on “Join Us For The 2014 Build A PLN Teacher Challenge!

  1. Hi~ I’m almost finished with my PLN challenge and wanted to clarify if there are 9 steps, or 10 steps (one page mentions 9, another 10). I’m enjoying this challenge and have incorporated many, many new tools into my PLN. Thanks for this opportunity!!

    1. Hi Cyndi, thanks for working through the PLN series. There are 10 Steps and there was some delay sending out the emails for the last two steps. Have you received them now?

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