Introducing The Campus and Other Important News!

Lots has been happening the past few weeks (besides my USA trip) and I know all readers, not just Edublogs users, would like to hear!

Introducing The Campus

Firstly we now have a new blog, The Campus, so if you enjoy reading The Edublogger I’m sure you will enjoy this new blog!

The purpose of The Campus is to:

  1. Focus on blogging in an educational organizational context
  2. Help schools, colleges, districts and universities take an organizational approach to blogging.

Through my work I’m fortunate to interact with a diverse range of educational organizations globally. What I’ve found is schools, colleges, districts and universities that take strong role in supporting their programs are achieving great outcomes. This is leading to greater adoption of all web technologies (not just blogs) by educators and their learners with involvement in some really amazing projects.

I plan to share on The Campus what I’m learning from my work, while providing helpful tips, and hopefully encouraging others to share their advice on using blogs in institutions.

The Edublogger will continue to share tips, tricks, ideas and provide help to the educational blogging community on a wide range of technologies while my personal blog will continue talking about elearning, Web 2.0 and technology while helping others (with, off course, the occasional chocolate story 😎 ). For those interested in WordPress MU you will also find me blogging on WPMU.ORG.

Check out Welcome to The Campus for more information! You can subscribe with this RSS feed or by Email!

Sales Manager position available

Edublogs Campus is looking for a Sales Manager.

We’re keen to hire asap, so check out the position details here. Maybe it’s not for you but if you share it around and we employ some one you send us we will pay you a $250 finders fee!

Edublogs Campus & Edublogs Upgrade

All Edublogs Campus sites are being upgraded to WordPress MU 2.8.2 this week. Your blog dashboard will look different and some features work differently.

Support material for site admin users has been completed and is located here (scroll down to the version 2.8.1 section). I am currently in the process of organising Campus blog users support material which will be located on this page of Edublogs Help and Support site.

Edublogs will be upgraded to WordPress MU 2.8.2 within the next few weeks. Watch out for more information about the upgrade in your blog dashboard and your support material will be located here on the Edublogs Help and Support site.

I will provide an overview of the main differences between the current version of WordPress MU and 2.8.2 in a blog post on The Edublogger, with a link to the user support material, once the upgrade has occurred.

If you are enjoying reading this blog, please consider feed-icon32x32 Finding and Adding Creative Commons Images To Your Blog PostsSubscribing For Free!

2 thoughts on “Introducing The Campus and Other Important News!

  1. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I have been trying for hours to figure this out, and on the edublogs site there is no way to contact a human directly. Today, my edublog has been loading incredibly slowly, and gives an error code message (something to do with Delicious not being recognized). Please tell me where I can find information on how to fix my blog when it’s sick.

    thank you!
    A faithful edublogger and support – Karen “Kelly” Love

    1. Hi Karen, it should be all working fine now but please let me know if Delicious still a problem. Unfortunately we have to make the email contact hard to find as Edublogs has over 300,000 users and for many users if you give email as a option it is always the first option they will use.

      If you do use twitter I suggest you follow me on twitter as that is really fast – I’m @suewaters

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