Introducing CoursePress: Easy To Create Online Classes

When we launched Edublogs nearly a decade ago, it was with the ultimate goal of extending learning beyond the four walls of traditional classrooms. This has been our mission with every single thing that we do.

With that, today we’re introducing CoursePress, a brand new plugin that takes online learning to a whole new level.

What’s CoursePress?

CoursePress is a plugin that adds course and student management tools to any WordPress site.

We felt that many of the big-name LMS tools out there can be quite a bear to work with. And most importantly, they often require everything to be locked behind school logins resulting in classes that are completely walled off from the rest of the world.

We don’t think this is the way it should always be. So, we set out to make it easy to publish and manage online courses on the web.

Check the features list:

  • Create courses, units, and lessons in WordPress – just like a blog post or page
  • Control access to courses and content – open registration, a class code, and more
  • Create assessments and quizzes with multiple choice, true/false, free response, and file upload
  • Automatically grade quizzes or provide instructor feedback
  • Add videos, files, and media to courses
  • Include discussion forums and collaboration
  • Schedule content to be published with course calendar
  • Student management and reporting tools
  • Works with any WordPress theme, and comes with a beautiful one too
  • Course progress tracking
  • So much more

And here’s a quick look under the hood…


More screenshots too:

List multiple courses on one site
Course overview pages are easy to navigate
Too many features to list

We’re excited about all of the e-learning, professional development, and more that can be accomplished with this plugin.

How To Get CoursePress

CoursePress is a plugin for WordPress, and you can use it in one of two ways:

  1. The plugin is now available on our CampusPress hosted networks. Just contact us and let us know you’d like to give it a try, and we’ll help you set it up!
  2. Download the plugin for free here if you have your own hosted WordPress site or Multisite Network.

And should you be itching to create paid courses, or even an entire online school, CoursePress Pro is an upgraded version of the plugin available here on WPMU DEV that will let you charge for course enrollment. Pretty cool!

3 thoughts on “Introducing CoursePress: Easy To Create Online Classes

  1. Hi Ronnie, I’m looking at using Coursepress or Coursepress pro. I think it looks really good but can’t seem to find any documentation on how to ‘Automatically grade quizzes or provide instructor feedback’. I am especially interested in the ‘provide instructor feedback’ part of it. I work with a number of non-profits in the UK who want to move away from complex LMS’s such as Moodle. I wonder if you give me some info on the instructor feedback or maybe direct me to something about it please? I have contacted the developers too, but no reply as yet. Cheers – dane

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