Are you are student blogger wanting to connect with other student bloggers while improving your blogging skills? Or are you teacher looking for an opportunity to guide your students through the process of learning to blog?
Miss Wyatt has set up a blogging competition, starting September 22, for school students of all ages which will involve 10 weeks worth of activities, one challenge each week with some bonuses for those who want to go overboard. She is hoping each each school involved will award a small prize to the best blogger or most improved blogger in their school.
There will be weekly activities for:
- Students who have their own blog
- Students who don’t have their own blog but want to participate through commenting
- Classrooms who want to participate through their classroom blog
If you’re interested in participating you need to:
- Discuss with your teacher
- Drop past Miss Wyatt’s blog and register your details
- If you are participating as part of a classroom blog you will need to get your teacher to register your class
- Keep an eye on Miss Wyatt’s blog for the blogging challenge information and your weekly task
Please let me know, by leaving a comment on this post, if you are planning to join the student blogging competition as I would love to drop past your blog to check out your progress.
If you are wondering how I created my image — I used Sign Generators 🙂
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Hello Sue,
I just recently join the blogging competition. I’m very excited to join this project. I hope to do well. By the way, you can look at more of my work at my blog, here’s my URL
Hi Sue,
This contest is going to be fun!! This is my blog adress:
P.S. Coke is good.
Hello Sue! Im looking foward to being in this competition
Heres the URL for my blog:
Thanks! Alex
Hi Sue. I’m really excited to join stubc08! When our teacher told us we would be participating in an international blogging competition I couldn’t wait.
Here’s the URL for my blog page:
Have a fantastic day!
Hey Sue,
I can’t wait for the competition to start. I hope that I can win. Here is my blog URL. I hope you like my blog.
Hey Sue! Im looking forward to being in the competition.
Heres the URL for my blog:
Thanks! Charissse
Hey there Sue, I can’t wait to start the competition!!! I’m kind of new to the whole blogging thing, but I’m really excited to learn more about the way it works.
Hello Sue,
I am Ryan and I am joining the compition and can’t wait to be writing post
Hi Sue,
I admire you greatly for pushing the young students of the world to be challenged in a competition like this. I can’t wait to get right into and I appreciate the time and effort you put in to create this worldwide system. I wish good luck to everyone and I hope everyone has fun!
Heyy Sue I am joining the competition ,and I am so exited for it.
Here is my blog url. I hope you enjoy it.:
Hi Sue! I’m really new to the whole blogging idea, but we’re doing a lot of it in school… it is a great way to communicate and share ideas with other people we normally wouldn’t be able to talk to! I am really excited about the blogging competition. I can’t wait!! It should give me a chance to improve my blogging skills.
Hello Sue, I am very excited to join this competition. I belive I can win. Thank you!
Hello Sue. I just joined the competition. I’m looking forward to being a part of this competition. When you get the chance stop by my blog if you can. Here is the URL:
Hi Mrs. Waters. I’m Nick and I’m joining the Competition, It sounds like it’ll be fun! Good luck to all my competition. Anyone who comments on my blog will get a comment on theirs. Check it out! Good luck everyone, happy blogging.
Blog URL:
Thank you Ryan, Kayla, Katie, Olivia, Julie, Rob, Ben, Asia, Ashley, Dale, Kevin, Kristen, Jona and Melissa for dropping past and letting me know you have joined the Student blogging competition. I’ve visited all your blogs, enjoyed reading your posts and left each of you a comment. Keep up your excellent work with your blogging. For those that have installed ClustrMaps I also asked some of my friend’s to visit so you had some more dots on your map tomorrow.
Hello, I just wanted you to know that I will be joining the competition. It sounds awesome!
Here’s the URL to my blog, I hope you enjoy it:
Hello Sue. I will be joining the competition. I can’t wait to get started. It will be great.
Please visit my blog. Here is the URL:
I will be joining the compition. This sounds so interesting. I am so excited!
I am going to do the competition.
I am excited about it.
This is my url:
I’m going to join the competition too
This is going to be so cool.
Wow! This sounds really cool. I’ll be joining the competition. I think it’s really neat because now students and teacher can get a closer look at people from all around the world. Its a unique and cultural experience!
Hi Sue! I’m very glad to be part of this competition. I hope myself and everyone does well. I also hope that this will improve my blogging, since I’m new at it.