Interested In Joining A Student Blogging Competition?

Image of Student Blogging CompetitionAre you are student blogger wanting to connect with other student bloggers while improving your blogging skills? Or are you teacher looking for an opportunity to guide your students through the process of learning to blog?

Miss Wyatt has set up a blogging competition, starting September 22, for school students of all ages which will involve 10 weeks worth of activities, one challenge each week with some bonuses for those who want to go overboard. She is hoping each each school involved will award a small prize to the best blogger or most improved blogger in their school.

There will be weekly activities for:

  1. Students who have their own blog
  2. Students who don’t have their own blog but want to participate through commenting
  3. Classrooms who want to participate through their classroom blog

If you’re interested in participating you need to:

  1. Discuss with your teacher
  2. Drop past Miss Wyatt’s blog and register your details
  3. If you are participating as part of a classroom blog you will need to get your teacher to register your class
  4. Keep an eye on Miss Wyatt’s blog for the blogging challenge information and your weekly task

Please let me know, by leaving a comment on this post, if you are planning to join the student blogging competition as I would love to drop past your blog to check out your progress.

If you are wondering how I created my image — I used Sign Generators 🙂

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142 thoughts on “Interested In Joining A Student Blogging Competition?

  1. Could you help me. We cannot destroy kindred: Our chains stretch a little sometimes, but they never break.
    I am from Bolivia and also now am reading in English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: “Search and book online our selection of.”

    THX :), Eilene.

  2. my clustrmap went away again and so did the part under manage where it says widgets. can you help me please.

  3. I like blogging basically, because its fun, its a good expierence and entertaining to read and write. So far I love blogging and reading comments too!

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