Free Blogs And Free PD: Our Holiday Gift To You!

To you, from Edublogs gift tagThe festive season is upon us and hopefully you have a break to look forward to. The holidays can be a great time to not only put your feet up and recharge, but learn something new as well!

As a gift to all teachers, we’d like to offer a free Edublogs Pro subscription to all participants of our self-paced courses.

Here’s the deal…

  • When you start one of our courses, you’ll get a one month subscription to Edublogs Pro.
  • If you complete one of our courses, you’ll get a 12 month Edublogs Pro subscription.

Simple as that!

This offer is for first-time users who don’t already use Edublogs Pro and is available until January 31, 2019.

The festive season is upon us. As a gift to all teachers and students, we'd like to offer a free Edublogs Pro subscription to participants of our self-paced courses.

What are the free courses?

Our free self-paced courses have been popular for many years. A few months back, we gave them all an update!

Course options for teachers

Currently, we have three professional development opportunities for educators. You’ll find these on our Teacher Challenge site.

You can complete these courses at any time:

These courses all come with PDF workbooks to help keep you on track.

3 PDF workbooks for teachers

You’ll also receive a certificate and badge for completing one of the courses.

How do I get my Pro upgrade?

Organizing your upgrade is simple. All you need to do is start the course and have your free Edublogs site set up. You can get your free blog by signing up on the Edublogs homepage. 

Once you’ve done these two things, simply email the Edublogs Support team with your blog URL and the name of the course you’re working on. An example of a URL would be,

Our email address is listed below or click here to fill out a contact form.

Email the team support at edublogs dot org

Someone will upgrade your blog for you within 24 hours (if you email in the last week of December, it may take a little longer).

When you complete a course…

Send our team another email to let them know you’ve completed all the tasks for your course. We’ll then extend your Edublogs Pro subscription for 12 months.

Everyone who completes a Teacher Challenge course also has access to a certificate and badge.

What are the benefits of Edublogs Pro?

A free blog is great for getting started but there are a few advantages of using Edublogs Pro.

  • You can embed video and HTML code in your posts, pages, and widgets. This allows you to integrate all sorts of third-party tools into your blog like Padlet, visitor tracking widgets, Google Slides and Docs, and more.
  • You can allow your blog to be indexed by search engines like Google if you wish.
  • You will have 50GB of storage rather than 1GB. This allows you to add more photos, videos, files, and audio to your blog.
  • You can access visitor statistics in your dashboard and set up an email subscription for your readers.
  • You can use your own custom domain if this interests you.

Check out the features of our blogs at a glance in this comparison table. 


Edublogs was established by teachers, for teachers and we’ve always been committed to supporting our community.

Happy holidays from Edublogs

We know our courses have helped thousands of people get started with blogging and edtech over the years. We hope a free Pro blog will help make your blogging journey a little easier too!

Finally, we’d like to offer all our readers a very safe and happy holiday period.

The Edublogger will be back in January. If you’re not already on our email list to get notified of new posts, sign up!

Any questions? Leave a comment and we’ll get back to you.

20 thoughts on “Free Blogs And Free PD: Our Holiday Gift To You!

  1. I am look forward to starting my first course, ‘Building Your PLN’. It is about time I started to develop an online professional network.

  2. I recently had a language arts teacher ask about blogging. Today I signed up for my first Edublog and sent information on Edublog to my language arts teacher. I am hoping that we will still get 30 days (near end of February) to complete the course to get the 12 month pro version. I told her I thought moving forward, Edublog maybe the best tool to get her 8th graders blogging. We both need to try it first and get her students in.

    1. Hi Helen,
      That’s great to hear you’re jumping on board with blogging and supporting your language arts teacher. Feel free to email the team and we’ll be able to work something out so you have enough time to complete the course. Have fun getting started!

  3. Hello madam Kathleen I am new here and have not been able to register for the course to get the 12 months upgrade. What should I do?

    1. Hi Hadiza,
      Feel free to email the team at and with your blog URL and they’ll be able to organise the upgrade for you 🙂 You don’t need to register for the course. Start whenever you like. You get one month free for starting and 12 month free when you finish.

  4. Hi Kathleen,
    I can’t find anywhere to sign up for the course. Is there a formal sign-up process or do I just start working through it? Thanks.

  5. Hello! Thank you for providing this opportunity. Does the course have to be completed by January 31 in order to earn the 12-month subscription? January is shaping up to be an extra-busy month, and I’m hesitant to start now if I might not finish the entire course in 4 weeks.

    1. Hi Heather,
      If you make a start on the course by the end January, that will be fine, we’ll be happy to upgrade your blog for 12 month if you complete the course during February. When you email to organise the upgrade just let them know about this conversation and there won’t be any dramas! 🙂

  6. Hello! I’m new to this and a little confused. I started this process in the summer and just now logged back on. I’ve updated my blog site and am interested in the January promotional. Where do I access the courses? Here’s the link to my blog.

    1. Hi Virginia,
      If you head to you’ll see there are three courses you can complete:
      Blogging With Students — if you want to set up a class blog
      Personal Blogging — if you want to create a professional educator blog
      Building Your PLN — to start building your own personal learning network

      You can click on the one you like and start reading the information and working through the steps. It looks like your blog is about personal blogging so that course might suit you best.

      Once you start a course, email and someone from the team will upgrade your blog for you.

      If you need more clarification, the support team can help via email too!

  7. Hi there! It says that this is being offered to teachers. Is this promo being extended to students as well? I run a blog for my school’s Write Club, and though I’ve already learned about blogging through trial and error, some of the stuff on the Blogging With Students list seems beneficial. It would be even better if this promo also extended to students so I could consider implementing some of the Pro account benefits on the club blog.

    1. Hi Olivia,
      That’s awesome that you run a blog for your school’s Write Club. Students are welcome to take advantage of this offer too.
      Is your Write Club blog public? If so, I’d love to see the blog. I’m always interested in different approaches to blogging.
      Feel free to email the team at to organise the upgrade.

      1. That’s amazing! I’ll have to confer with the rest of the club to see if they want to make the upgrade.

        Unfortunately, our blog is private. We have some private information like emails and identities on there, so I thought it would be best to set it up as a private blog. Although, I can share some tidbits from it. We have a section for information about meetings in case we’re going to meet in a different room or if a meeting will be canceled. There is also a designated News tab so it doesn’t get jumbled up in the posts on the feed and lost forever. Most importantly, we have a page where everyone can go to in order to read each other’s work. I assign everyone their own category when they get an account, so their writing pieces are organized. Then, I add a link to their category on that page. It was a dropdown box on the menu, but we got to so many members that we had to scroll down to see the entire list. We also have a category for posts about wanting to do writing collaborations and a separate section with writing prompts.

        1. Hi Olivia,
          No pressure at all whether they want to take the course.

          I totally understand why your blog is private and I really appreciate you sharing some info. I always find it so interesting. I love the way you’re using categories to organise the blog. How great you’ve had so much interest!

          Good luck with it all! Also, look out for the next Student Blogging Challenge that begins in March. Perhaps the students would like to take part to learn more about blogging while connecting with others around the world.

  8. Thanks, Edublogs! A happy Christmas to all of you too!

    When does this offer expire? You said January 2019. Does that mean January 1 or January 31?

    I’m asking because I’m on holiday and without a computer. It’s rather hard to blog meaningfully on a phone. At least I find it so.

    1. Hi Josianne,
      Whoops! Thanks for pointing out our typo. It was supposed to say January 31 🙂
      So relax and put your feet up as you have over a month!
      Happy Christmas!

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