STOP! Don’t Press Publish! Have You Remembered to Add The LINKS?

Image of a linkAre you remembering to link to articles, websites or other blogger’s post when you write about them? Why NOT?

It’s really frustrating when you can’t check out more details in a post because the blogger’s failed to link. Readers won’t waste their time Googling to find the facts. Why BOTHER — it’s easier to change to another blogger.

Linking is a really important part of being a blogger and linking isn’t hard! Yet for some reason most new bloggers FAIL to link!

How To Create A LinkImage of copying link

  1. Copy the URL of the website you want to link to.
  2. In the post that you are writing highlight the text you want linked to the website and click on Insert/Edit Link button, paste the URL and then click INSERT.Image of linking

It’s good blogging etiquette to link to:

  1. A person’s blog if you mention a blogger
  2. The post if you are talking about a particular post on a blog

For example: Larry Ferlazzo is well known for sharing websites that will help you teach. Check out his Best Social Studies Websites — 2008


Most bloggers like to check out posts when people write about them and some will take the time to write comments on your posts. Linking to other bloggers is one way of increasing the conversation and readership of your blog.

What tips on blogging would you give new bloggers?

Image by tarotastic licensed under Creative Commons.

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35 thoughts on “STOP! Don’t Press Publish! Have You Remembered to Add The LINKS?

  1. Question about including a Voki avatar-
    Log onto
    click the Avatar you wish to upload
    Underneath the picture there is a place to choose what type of online publication you are using
    select the type of publication
    select the size of the avatar you wish to upload (I generally use small so it doesn’t take over the page-if you want to see a size reference check out my blog

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