Guest Post by Dominique: J’adore les langues!

It’s my great pleasure to introduce our first ever guest post on The Edublogger!

But first let me tell you the history behind this post.

About Our Guest Blogger

Last year student bloggers wrote some amazing posts for our Share Your Tips– and win BIG! Competition and on my winner’s post I said:

The winning posts submitted by the students are so ‘must read’ that it would be an honour if they guest posted on The Edublogger.

Image of Dominique created by her using an Online paint programDominique, a Grade 8 student (13 years old), from USA decided to take me up on this offer (here’s her winning post).

She continues to astound me!

And it was a pleasure to discover that her work inspired her sister Caroline (10 years old) to:

Want a blog so much that she put it on her Christmas list!

Caroline got her Christmas wish early and is blogging at Caroline’s Corner.

J’adore les langues!

Guest post by Dominique from My Blog!

J’adore les langues, ils sont très important en notre monde. Je voudrais être fluent en francais, allemand, espagnol, italien, japonais, chinois, arabique, gaelique, and portugeuse. Et plus je ne peux pas pense de maintenant.

Today our world is so interconnected because of technology that it  is even more  important to know foreign languages.

Although I am only in my third year of taking French, I am happy that I can communicate with French speaking people in the blogosphere.

From blogging I am also alerted to the fact that there are so many wonderful languages just waiting for me to learn them, whenever I find a class blog in a different language I always wish that I could understand it, and that is something that will motivate me to learn more foreign languages.

Imagine how simple communication would be if you could speak a foreign language. And how many opportunities would be available.

Around the beginning of December I entered a podcast contest about the importance of learning foreign languages, hosted by the American Council of Teaching Foreign Languages.

I made a podcast for the contest, but unfortunately mine was not chosen as one of the finalists. Even though it did not amount to anything it was still fun to do.

On the other hand one of my friends, Adrian, made a podcast rap about foreign languages with her friend Peggy. They have actually been chosen as finalists and can be voted for on the website. I already quickly made an account and voted for them.

Here’s Adrian and Peggy’s video — I really hope that they win the middle school category for the contest which is announced this month!!!

It was a coincidence that the podcast contest was brought up in French class shortly after I conceived the idea for this post, specially written to go on Ms. Water’s blog. I think that just goes to show how important foreign languages are  becoming in our world.

p.s. When I mentioned in French, the languages in which I would like to be fluent, those are not all. There are many other languages that I would also like to learn  (I simply do not know how to say them yet in French…).

Thank you very much to Ms. Waters who allowed me to guest post this blog post on the Edublogger, it is such an honor!

Final Thoughts

Thanks Dominique for writing this guest post for us and for all your great work!

And to honor Dominique’s work I would love it if we could all leave comments on this post in different languages and include our locations!

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4 thoughts on “Guest Post by Dominique: J’adore les langues!

  1. @Inma I totally agree that Dominique is incredibly inspiring and it is lovely to read about her passion for languages. Thank you so much for adding a link on your blog to her and for leaving the comment in Spanish.

    My apologies for not replying in Spanish but I know that Google Translate may end up incorrectly translating my words 🙁

    @Dominique No problem at all and thank you so much for writing this post for us!

    @Jesús I totally agree and wish I was considerably better with languages myself 🙁

  2. The feeling of speaking different languages is very so much super amazing; to understand how beautiful a culture is through its most unique and basic essence is only possible by speaking the way of peoples’ thoughts.

  3. ¡Me parece que Dominique es una persona extraordinaria! he estado ojeando su blog y me ha encantado. Desde pequeña siempre me han gustado los idiomas y con el tiempo he llegado a ser profesora de inglés. Intento inculcar a mis alumnos ese amor por las lenguas, pero no es fácil, por eso, al encontrar este post me he quedado gratamente sorprendida. Me gustaría que mis alumnos la conocieran, así que voy a poner un enlace a su blog en el mío.
    Saludos cariñosos desde Estepona, en Andalucía, España.

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