Grow Your Blog–Become Part of The Student Blogging Challenge!

Wow!  The Student Blogging Challenge is off to an amazing start!

Currently over 3000 students from 346 individual student blogs and 86 class blogs, from 13 countries, are participating in the weekly tasks.

Have you joined yet?  There’s still time.


How to Join The Student Challenge

The weekly tasks are like a buffet;  you pick and choose what works best for you!  It’s all about having fun, improving your skills and connecting with a global audience!

Joining is as simple as:

  1. Completing the registration form (if the form blocked at your school refer to these instructions)
  2. Choosing the tasks you want to complete:
    • Week 1 – activities include ‘About me’ page, avatar and post about why join the challenge
    • Week 2 – includes commenting guidelines, writing comments, clustrmap and global audience widgets

Would You Like To Be A Challenge Helper?

Alternatively we also need lots of Challenge Helper!

Perfect for students and classes that aren’t in the position to be a Challenge participant but would like to be involved in a less formal manner.  Or for teachers and preservice teachers (student teachers) to increase their understanding of how blogs can be used with students.

Signing up to be a Challenge Helper is as simple as 1, 2, 3….

  1. Reading what’s involved
  2. Leaving your name, blog URL and a short blurb about yourself in comments of Miss Wyatt’s post!
  3. Letting me know you’ve complete the blurb so I can add your details here — just leave a comment on my post


Win one of 16  free Edublogs supporter 12 month subscriptions for your own blog or to give away to a reader?

Just write a post and follow these instructions to enter The Edublogger ‘Win It Big’ competition!

If you are enjoying reading this blog, please consider feed-icon32x32 Finding and Adding Creative Commons Images To Your Blog PostsSubscribing For Free!

5 thoughts on “Grow Your Blog–Become Part of The Student Blogging Challenge!

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