Get Your Popcorn Organised! Edublogs Live Web Events Are Ready To Roll!

Image of a smileyWondering where we are at with organizing Edublogs free live events?  Good news is we’re getting there!

Here’s what we’ve set up so far:

  1. Free Live Web Events! page where you can access the Elluminate link to the sessions, read about the session topics, find out when they are scheduled and leave feedback on topic suggestions etc
  2. A newsletter service so that users can sign up to receive a email notifying them of our upcoming free live events and professional development
  3. An Events calendar with dates, times and session topics.  This can be added to your own Google calendar and all events will show in your calendar in your local time
  4. Show archives where you will find the show descriptions and links to access recordings and chat logs for each archived Edublogs Live Web Event.  Here is the feed if you would like to subscribe.

And off course you can always watch out for tweets about the sessions from my twitter account 🙂

What Else Do We Need?

Well the great news is we’ve started adding sessions, to be presented by a range of hosts, to the Events calendar but to make this REALLY WORK WELL we need more:

  1. Suggestions for show topics – what would  you like covered?  Doesn’t have to be on blogging!
  2. People willing to present or co-host a show(s) – propose a topic plus date and time that works for you!

Don’t forget if you would like to book sessions for your teachers and/or students specifically on aspects of blogging just let us know!  Leave a comment with your contact details and information on what you would like covered.

How To Join the live web Events

Anyone can join these live web events.  They will be delivered in realtime using Elluminate complete with audio, chat and desktop sharing.  To join a live event just click on the following link:

Elluminate is a Community Partner with Edublogs.  To learn more about Elluminate check out either:

  1. Their recorded introduction
  2. The Quick Reference guide
  3. Join the Configuration Room to test your connection and configure your audio

Get your FREE 3-user Elluminate vRoom HERE to use it for hosting your own meetings or to practise with!


So what haven’t we thought of?  We’ve tried to make simple for people to be notified of up and coming events plus access the show archives…. please let us know if we’ve missed something!

Image by GreyArea licensed under Creative Commons ShareAlike

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9 thoughts on “Get Your Popcorn Organised! Edublogs Live Web Events Are Ready To Roll!

  1. Hi Sue
    Looks a fascinating programme, though will probably have to rely on the archive, as i’ve just imported the Google Calendar into mine & realise I’m going to have to develop insomnia quickly if I want to take part!

    1. Hi Emma, don’t stress I’m trying to organise sessions in different time zones with a range of different people. Being based in Australia I’m often frustrating by time zones issues so work hard at making it available across all times.

      Can you tell me which time you are as GMT and what times in your time/days in your time zone will suit you best? Also if you have particular topics that interest you let me know.

      1. Hi Sue
        I’m in the UK, so we’re GMT + 1 at the moment.

        Areas of interest:
        Social networking/ informal learning (esp. how students on a “formal” [HE] course are engaging in informal interactions with their peers)

        I’m also interested in general with what’s going on in Schools, as they’re heading to us at some point in the future!

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