Free Web Tools – #EdublogsClub Prompt 5

This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and edtech enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it to join in, or sign up to receive email reminders of each new prompt. 

Many of the web tools and services that we use in our personal and professional lives don’t cost us anything. From Twitter to Google Apps to Wikipedia, we’ve become accustomed to not paying money for most of what we do on the internet. And that includes teaching and learning resources and sites we may use with our students.

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Prompt: Write a post about free web tools.

Here are some ideas or topics you may wish to include:

  • Share your absolute favorite free web tool and discuss why
  • Write a ‘how-to’ post on using a free tool
  • Do a review in a category of multiple free web tools – for example, compare 3 web tools for photo editing
  • Discuss any thoughts or experiences you have about free web services
  • Talk about a time when a free service you were using shut down

Any Feedback?

We are moving into the second month of the #EdublogsClub, can you believe it!?

Feel free to leave any questions or feedback in the comments below, or contact us if you’d prefer. We’re happy to hear any prompt ideas too! Our goal is to make this as useful and enjoyable as possible for all 🙂


I have a secret that I can’t quite spill the beans about just yet. But it is going to be big, and there is a bit of a hint about what it might be hidden in this prompt. You won’t have to wait but around 48 hours from the time I post this for you to know what I’m referring to, promise.

Happy blogging!

58 thoughts on “Free Web Tools – #EdublogsClub Prompt 5

  1. I have a question for Ronnie. Are we supposed to use the hashtag for our blog post tags? Are tags with a # handled differently than those without one?

    1. The #EdublogsClub tag is probably most useful on Twitter. It certainly can’t hurt to tag your post with the same. There are some users here that use feed readers like feedly, and searching for that tag will help them filter and find posts to read. Does that help? 🙂

      1. Sue Wyatt is subscribing to blog posts using the feed from the category #EdublogsClub in Feedly. Assigning the category #EdublogsClub when you publish a post will also make it easier to find the posts later.

  2. I’d been wanting to examine digital curation tools more and this week’s prompt forced my to look at the whole gamut–the ones I already had and new ones I discovered. So, after 3 days of reading and looking, I’m no closer than I was before–in fact now I have more work to explore the options! Oh well, at least I was able to use my new Teacher’s Guide to Tech!

    Here’s my blog entry:

  3. Good Morning Ronnie and Edublogs!

    I am LOVING this experience! The prompts are varied and interesting to me and I like having the freedom to experiment with length, depth, and mediums. The ‘forced blogging’ that comes with this commitment is making me a better blogger. Who knows, maybe as I continue to read and be enriched by my new Edublog colleagues, it’s making me a better woman as well!

    Happy Thursday and thank you for inviting us into this experience!

    Catherine Finger

    1. I love the Padlet embedded into the post with the little “pad” for the viewer to directly add something to the padlet. Can you share how you were able to do that? BrP

      1. G’day BrP,
        I have added a couple of links on the padlet on my blog post showing how to create and embed a padlet.

  4. I’m not sure I am liking this riddle. Please don’t tell us the “hint” is in the part about a service shutting down. 🙁

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