February Only! Try CampusPress FREE For Six Months

There has never been a better time to give our CampusPress service a try!

For the entire month of February, we are offering a six month free pilot and trial of everything we offer.

During this time, you’ll be able to use a full version of our service free with as many sites and users as you’d like. With complete support, no limits, and no obligation to purchase when the pilot is over.

What is CampusPress?

CampusPress is the sister service of Edublogs and makes it easy to manage websites, ePortfolios, and blogs across an entire school, district, or university.

Is your school looking for a new website? One that is modern, accessibility compliant, and mobile friendly? CampusPress is for you!

Are you wanting to make it easy for faculty and students to create their own sites or blogs, but still maintain some control and accountability? CampusPress is for you!

Or perhaps you know that ePortfolios provide a tremendous opportunity for hands-on learning, student engagement, and critical thinking, but you don’t know where to begin? CampusPress is for you!


Example Sites

Here are just a few examples of what CampusPress can achieve:

Main District Website – RoundRock ISD

School Website – ABVM Catholic School

Learning Blogs – Saint Maur International School

Portfolios and Websites – Leander ISD

University Websites – Providence College

Learning Blogs – Columbia University

Self-Service Web Publishing – Northwestern University

And so many more!


What’s Included?

  • Hosting – a WordPress Multisite network at a domain of your choice (like blogs.yourschool.edu)
  • Authentication –  integration via LDAP, Google Apps, or other services that we can support
  • Template – a customized default template for all of your blogs or sites
  • Support – 24/7 support for all of your users – teachers and even students too
  • Training – access to webinars, videos, and guides to maximize use of WordPress to meet your needs

Applying and getting started is quick and easy! We can have you up and running within as little as 24 hours.

Interested? Complete our quick registration form and we’ll take care of the rest.

Your pilot can run from now through the end of August. Our normal trials that we offer are limited to 30 days and don’t include the unlimited users, authentication, template, and training pieces. Full pilots such as this offering typically incur a fee.

Applications will remain open until the end of February or until we run out of space in the program. Be sure to signup today 🙂


Who: Any faculty member or employee of a school, district, or university is eligible to signup.

What: You’ll have access to all the plugins, themes, and features we provide for our paying customers.

When: Pilots will last between now and the end of August. When the pilot is over, you’ll have the opportunity to continue with a license or we can help with exporting any and all content off of our service.

Where: It’s best to set up your network at a URL affiliated with your school or organization, meaning someone on your end will need access to DNS – we can discuss what this means.

Why: You can use one platform for multiple purposes – student projects, faculty websites, course blogs, etc.

Don’t forget, get in touch here to sign up, and applications are only open until the end of February or until we run out of room.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Do you need a website with more features?

We can help! CampusPress provides accessible, affordable, and easy-to-use websites for your school or district.