Embedding Wordles Into Blog Posts

Have you become addicted to Wordle like me? The Wordle addiction is definitely spreading but embedding Wordles you create to your blog post can be tricky.

What is Wordle?

Wordle is a free web site for easily creating beautiful word clouds from text, URLs, RSS feeds or del.icio.us account. They are a great way of visualizing the importance of particular word in text since the more frequently a word is used the larger it appears in the Wordle. You don’t need to sign up for an account — just go to the Wordle create page to get started!

I used a Wordle recently in a conference presentation to emphasize the key reasons why educators use Personal Learning Networks by creating a Wordle using reader’s comments on “Why is your personal learning network important to you?”.

Below is a “How to Create Word Cloud Text Art With Wordle” 

Embedding Wordles in Blog Posts

Once you have created your Wordle you can save it to their Gallery and Wordle provides you the HTML code for embedding it into your blog post. Unfortunately this embeds a thumbnail image (170 pixels by 132 pixels) which is too small to clearly see the words. Dragging this thumbnail to increase size results in an image with blurred text.

The best option is to take a screenshot of your Wordle using Jing, SnagIT, MWSnap or Skitch (read this post to learn about screencapture tools). Alternatively, instead of using screencapture tools, you can:

  1. Windows – Click on the Print Screen button on your keyboard to capture desktop screen, paste (CTRL+V) the image into Paint, crop and then save image.
  2. Mac – Captures images and saves to desktop
    • Command+Shift+3 – screencapture of your entire screen.
    • Command+Shift+4 – Drag the cursor out over the area you want to capture.

Now all you need to do is upload your screenshot and insert the “Full Size” (NOT “medium”) image into your blog post! The “Full Size” image provides the best quality image for viewing the text.


There has differing opinions on the educational benefits of Wordles. What are your thoughts on Wordle? What are some of the creative ways you have used Wordles? How have you used them with students?

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32 thoughts on “Embedding Wordles Into Blog Posts

  1. My class of 7th and 8th graders and I have tried embedding a Wordle in an Edublog post, but the thumbnail doesn’t show up– the code text shows up as a hyperlink. (yes, we were using the ‘Text’ tab of the editor!)
    I don’t know enough about coding to spot the problem… What I can say is that the code works PERFECTLY in KidBlog (which I use with my Kindergartens through 5th grade).
    Any tips would be appreciated!

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