Welcome to The Edublogger!

HelpingThe Edublogger has been set up by Edublogs — “the largest education community on the Internet” where you can sign up for a free WordPress-powered blog — and is dedicated to helping educational bloggers with using emerging technologies in education, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium. Photo by woodleywonderworks.

About the Editor

My name is Sue Waters and I’m well known for my Mobile Technology in TAFE blog. As a blogger I’m about — practical application of technologies in education, and most importantly HELPING OTHERS learn how to use these technologies. The Edublogger will be an extension of what I already do, but at a central place within Edublogs.

Bit of an understatement — but I am extremely excited to be involved with The Edublogger because it increases my potential to interact and connect with a larger community, hopefully helping even more people.

Getting Started

The Edublogger is not about me, but the educational blogging community. It is about us working together, helping each other, sharing our experiences and learning together. My role is to help bring the community together. So please help us to get this journey underway by assisting us with the following:

  1. What interests you? – Are you interested in …. ‘How-to” tips? Blogging tips? Getting others educators involved in using technology? Tips on using Edublogs? Or are there other topics that interest you?
  2. Blog Tweaking – New blogs always needs some tweaking! Are there design features, widgets or things you’d like to see?
  3. Subscribing to The Edublogger Subscribe in a reader

Please share your thoughts, and encouragement, in the comments of this post.

87 thoughts on “Welcome to The Edublogger!

  1. Hello 1992 Saint. As you can see from all the above comments, we are a huge community of educators and in those rare moments when the Edublogger (Sue Waters) is resting, we jump in to help. I’m a little puzzled in looking at your blog, it does not appear to be educationally related.

    But here are some answers to your questions. To contact help, click on the Forum button in the top far right-hand corner and submit your question. Given that we are an international community, somebody will most likely respond within 24 hours.

    To delete pictures from your gallery, in the gallery view, click on the Show button, scroll down to the bottom of the window and click on delete ( to the right of the insert button).

    As for your audio question, I don’t see any links to audio files in your posts, so that’s hard to answer. For a starter, check that your audio for you computer is not muted.

    Gail Desler – also from California

  2. Help! I have a lovely site so far, but I cannot hear the audio that I have added (an MP3 song). Why can’t I hear it fi I am uploading it and following all of the steps?
    Second, I have items in my media gallery that I want to delete. How can I do that? Please make it easier to post a question? It seems VERY difficult to contact the blog pros. A simple “contact us” link would make you Super Heroes. The last thing teachers have is TIME, so make this easy and fast!

    from California…busy, busy, busy!

  3. Hi, all! Um, perhaps I’m a bit past the prime time for responding to this post, but hear me out.

    I wish there were an easier way to browse other edublogs. There is such a wide breadth of bloggers in this community–some teaching through blogging, some blogging about teaching experiences, some just getting things off their chests… And, of course, there is a range of subjects and grade levels that these educators teach. As for me, I am an English teacher who’s just entering the world of education. I wish I could find some like-minded bloggers to read and bounce ideas off of. Is there a way to do this?

  4. I was wondering how to change the alignment or justifications of the post titles, the ones with the links. My comments are also centered, but I want them to be normal, left-justified. I have already tried using when editing the comments but it doesn’t work.

  5. Great news Lauren that you have managed to add a Crystal clock widget to your blog. I’ve checked it out and it looks really nice. You must be pleased that you managed to get it to work.

    Sorry Randy I didn’t mean to torment you 🙂 . Although I know your feeling — need to do a bit of a makeover on my own personal blog and have to make some time.

  6. Hi Sue – I have since discovered that I can put the widget on my blog using the ‘text’ widget….it is accepting the WordPress code.

    I was trying to put the crystal clock widget on (http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/crystal-clock) using widgetbox 1 but it wouldn’t work, using either WP or JavaScript code.

    The text box looks ok!
    many thanks

  7. Hello – I’m having problems with the widgetbox…I watched the short instructional video but I couldn’t find ‘panel id’ in any of the code (WordPress & JavaScript) for any of the widgets I want to put on my blog!

    I hope someone can help!

  8. Thanks D. Brosius glad the Edublogger has been of assistance and pleased to hear how the Edublogs has helped with your classes.

    Thanks Alan – have to say my favourite is “Thee Dub Logger” — wonder how James would feel about the name change 🙂 ? Thinking it is time you visited Perth again.

  9. Hi Sue- a late congratulations for you becoming THE Edublogger and I can see you are bringing great tips and how tos to the community in typical Sue Waters quality.

    Just in fun, I’m looking at how the URl mushes words together and what it might mean if “theedublogger” is read as “Thee Dub Logger” or “Theed Ub Logger” or “The Ed Ublogger” 😉

    Blog on, my friend in Perth!

  10. 5 years ago, with the blessings from my principal to dumpster dive into our computer grave yard, I set up a paper less English class. A few rough spots and a lot of trial and error learning has paid off to a fully functional, user friendly paperless class. My 182 high school students absolutely LOVE the addition of the virtual classroom aka my edublog. It took about a week, right before the school year, to set up and it has been a HUGE success. Edublogs is the perfect bridge between class and home. Thank you for all the great advice and neat little tricks. Most of all thank you for keeping the explanations simple enough for this left brained English teacher to manage.

  11. Hi Claire – thanks for your feedback. Very good point so I will set up a page on Getting Started With Edublogs which you can access from the navigation at the top of the Edublogger.

    Jeff – the community would love to help you out however we would need some more guidance regarding what you want.

    Kate – perhaps you could also help by checking out the information I put together and providing feedback?

    Congratulations Gail – sound like a great opportunity. I must admit I’m not sure what I would showcase hopefully others in the community will provide their thoughts?

  12. Hello Sue and EB Community,

    This Friday and Saturday I’ll be joining Steve Hargadon and other educators at a Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco. Here’s a link to the agenda – http://www.classroom20wiki.com/SF+Live+2008+Agenda . And if you scroll to the last hour on Saturday, you’ll see that I have a 5-minute spot to showcase (“5-minute lightening demos”) Edublogs. Anybody have suggestions as to what to include?


  13. Hello hello, this blog is terrific. I’ve been poking around with WordPress and a little bit with edublogs for some time now, but I’d REALLY love to know how to make WP/edublogs work as a homepage for my department at the university. I teach Spanish and my dept. is badly in need of a web makeover. Any help on this?



  14. Sue, this idea is marvelous but it starts one step ahead of where I am at with blogging. As part of my own awareness raising I located the edublogs site but I need much more basic info to get me going with a blog. I tried emailing/commenting to James but never got any further. Are you able to include the dummies stuff on your blog? Or can you redirect me to somewhere with absolute basics?

  15. Hi Mrs D White – I’m just finding out the information about themes for you and will get back to you.

    Hi Kate – thanks for such nice thoughts and thanks for subscribing.

  16. Hi Sue!

    What a great topic for a new blog, you’ll have huge successes with it no doubt (when have you ever not been successful!)

    I’ll be subscribing and looking very much forward to reading your blogging tips 🙂


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