Welcome to The Edublogger!

HelpingThe Edublogger has been set up by Edublogs — “the largest education community on the Internet” where you can sign up for a free WordPress-powered blog — and is dedicated to helping educational bloggers with using emerging technologies in education, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium. Photo by woodleywonderworks.

About the Editor

My name is Sue Waters and I’m well known for my Mobile Technology in TAFE blog. As a blogger I’m about — practical application of technologies in education, and most importantly HELPING OTHERS learn how to use these technologies. The Edublogger will be an extension of what I already do, but at a central place within Edublogs.

Bit of an understatement — but I am extremely excited to be involved with The Edublogger because it increases my potential to interact and connect with a larger community, hopefully helping even more people.

Getting Started

The Edublogger is not about me, but the educational blogging community. It is about us working together, helping each other, sharing our experiences and learning together. My role is to help bring the community together. So please help us to get this journey underway by assisting us with the following:

  1. What interests you? – Are you interested in …. ‘How-to” tips? Blogging tips? Getting others educators involved in using technology? Tips on using Edublogs? Or are there other topics that interest you?
  2. Blog Tweaking – New blogs always needs some tweaking! Are there design features, widgets or things you’d like to see?
  3. Subscribing to The Edublogger Subscribe in a reader

Please share your thoughts, and encouragement, in the comments of this post.

87 thoughts on “Welcome to The Edublogger!

  1. Thanks, Sue, for all you to to educate us on how to better construct and use our blogs with Edublog’s hosting service. Terry

  2. @Gail Desler thanks for helping me out and answering Terry Carter’s question. Unfortunately for the last week I’ve had an issue with comment notifications so wasn’t notified of this comment. Fortunately I’ve fixed the problem and am now being notified.

    Apologies Terry for not seeing your comment and thanks for your support.

  3. @Gail Desler
    Thanks for your explanation, Gail. I will pass this info along to our students; sorry to hear that Edublogs has had to do this, however. I’ll do my part by joining and maybe others will as well so we can get these removed from student blogs.

    Thank you for taking the time to write and provide me with an explanation. Terry Carter

  4. Sue,
    Perhaps you can help since I don’t know how to reach James Farmer. Recently, pop-up ads have started appearing on my students (and my) edublogs … it’s very distracting and seems inappropriate for an educational blog site. What’s up with this?

    Terry Carter

  5. @Christine Oops sorry for slow response to question. Here you go. Here is my post that explains what are pingbacks and how to insert a link into a blog post.

    If you look down the post under “How To Link To Other Bloggers’ Posts” it includes pictures to show you how. Good luck and hope it helps.

    @Gail Thanks for helping out by answering @1992Saint’s question. Been very busy this week with the Student blogging competition so really appreciated the assistance.

    @1992saint Have all your questions been answered?

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