Creating And Uploading Your Comment Avatar

Your avatar is an important part of your online identity.

It’s an online representation of you that shows up in places such as where you leave comments or forum posts and is part of how others visualize who you are.

Most schools don’t allow students to use pictures of themselves on blogs or websites.  Instead of photos most students create avatars that representative of them.

Uploading your comment avatar to your blog is easy — I’ll show you how in a second.  But first let’s discuss online tools you can use to create your avatars!

For each tool I’ve included an example of the type of avatar they create and how to save the avatars (without creating an account and/or using an email address).

Important tips

Online avatar tools often create rectangular  images while normally avatars are square.

Use an image editing program (such as MS Paint, Picture Manager or iPhoto) to make your image square before uploading.

For best results resize your image to 97 pixels wide by 97 pixels high.

Example of resizing an image

Here’s information to help you:

  1. How to crop images using MS Paint
  2. How to resize images using MS Paint
  3. How to crop and resize using MS Picture Manager

Think carefully of how you want others to visualize you when choosing your avatar – it’s all about creating a positive digital identify!

Example of Blessthischick

Bless This Chick

Bless This Chick creates really cute female avatar (and I had lots of fun creating mine).

Once finished it’s best to select jpg image option 130 x 146 pixels and then email to yourself.

How to email the saved avatar

Build YourSelf Wild

Build Yourself  Wild can be used to create fairly conservative avatars (like my example below) or you can go totally wild by adding different animal parts to various areas of your avatar’s body.

To save your image:

  1. Click on I’m Done
  2. Now click on Print Your Wild Self
  3. This will display the print version of your avatar in a new tab or window of your web browser
  4. Right click on this print version and select ‘Save Image As’ or “Save Picture as’

Saving as an image

Image size created is 1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels wide.

Use programs like MS Paint or MS Picture Manager to crop your avatar into a square shape and then resize.

Example of Build Yourself Wild


Example of a DoppelMe avatarDoppelMe is relatively easy to use.  Just click on each feature you want to add to your avatar and it is automatically added (or changed).

A few features are only accessible if you create a DoppelMe account and are logged in.  However you can still create cool avatars (and save them) without an account.

Image size created is 100 pixels wide by 200 pixels wide.

To use your avatar’s full body it’s best not to add a background so you can make your image square.

To save your completed avatar:

  1. Right click on your avatar
  2. Select ‘Save Image As’ or “Save Picture as’

How to save images in Internet Explorer

Example of Dream AvatarDream Avatar Creator

Dream Avatar Creator is also relatively easy to use.

Just click on each feature you want to add to your avatar and it is automatically added (or changed).

To save your completed avatar:

  1. Right click on your avatar
  2. Select ‘Save Image As’ or “Save Picture as’

Image size created is 120 pixels wide by 150 pixels wide.

Face your Manga

Example of Face your manga

A good aspect of Face your Manga is that it creates square shaped avatars so you don’t need to crop or change your image shape.

Unfortunately some of the ads on this site aren’t necessary ideal – check suitability for your student first!

To save your completed avatar:

  1. Click on the PrtScn button on your keyboard (this takes a screenshot of your entire desktop) or click on Alt + PrtScrn to take a screenshot of the web browser page Prtscn key on keyboard
  2. Open up MS Paint
  3. Hold your Ctrl key and then press V key to paste your screenshot into MS Paint Control V
  4. Now just select the avatar and crop (Image > Crop) — then Save your image

On a Mac:  use Apple (Command) Key + Shift + 4 to take a screenshot of your avatar only.

Example of Hero Factory avatarHero Factory

The Hero Factory creates action hero avatars.

Be warned the bodies of  most females hero’s may be a bit too voluptuous (my avatar covered up 😎 ).

Once you’ve completed save your avatar using the PrtScn method – same as described above for Face your Manga.

The Mini Mixer

The Mini Mixer creates a lego avatar – ideal for your lego loving students 🙂

Once you’ve completed save your avatar using the PrtScn method – same as described above for Face your Manga.

Example of a Mini Mixer avatar

Mr. PicassoHead

Mr. PicassoHead creates a more artistic like avatar – ideal for those wanting something a bit different.

Once you’ve completed save your avatar using the PrtScn method – same as described above for Face your Manga.

Definitely fun — but I mightn’t be very artistic!

Example of Mr Picassohead

Example of Simpsons avatarSimpsons Avatar

The Simpsons Avatar is definitely for those lovers of the Simpsons.

Just create your own Simpson avatar then save it using the PrtScn method – same as described above for Face your Manga.


WeeMee is also relatively easy to use.

Just click on each feature you want to add to your avatar and it is automatically added (or changed). However terms of services are for over 13 years of age.

Once you’ve completed save your avatar using the PrtScn method – same as described above for Face your Manga.

Example of WeeMe


TizMe is also excellent fun for creating avatars however terms of services state for over 13 years of age.

Once you’ve completed save your avatar using the PrtScn method – same as described above for Face your Manga.

Example of Tizme avatar

Uploading your Avatar

Now you’ve created your avatar uploading it to your blog is as simple as:

  1. Go to Users > Your Avatar or Profile > Your Avatar inside your blog dashboard Your Avatar menu
  2. Click on Browse, locate your avatar on your computer and click Open Browse to locate avatar image
  3. Now click Upload Click upload
  4. Once uploaded select the part of the image you want to use as the avatar and then click Crop Image Cropping your avatar
  5. Now whenever you leave comment on your blog or (another blog) your avatar will display with your comment.

Example of a comment avatar

Please note:

  1. If you have trouble cropping your avatar once uploaded – you need to upload again by click on Browse, locate your avatar and then click on the Alternative Upload button.
  2. Your new avatar mightn’t appear immediately on new comments – try holding the Ctrl key and pressing F5 to clear your browser cache
  3. For best results resize your image to 97 pixels wide by 97 pixels high before uploading.

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80 thoughts on “Creating And Uploading Your Comment Avatar

  1. I really enjoyed this activity (a little too much) and I can really see how it would help my students engage with technology and “personalise” their commenting.

    Thanks so much for such an easy to read post with so many useful links.

  2. Hi there Sue,
    I figured it out…I played around with my blog and discovered the generated avatars option under the Settings on my dashboard (discussion option). I just had to change it in the default option from the gray default avatar to the one of the other choices provided. I am setting “creating avatars” as my blogging challenge #3 with my class and on my post created a little videso and added it to the post that shows them how easy it is to create one using the snipping tool. I haven’t shown my kids yet…but I am sure they are going to have a blast with the two programs I found online for them.
    Thanks for your help,
    Mrs. Webb-Scheers

  3. Hi there,
    I have used the programs that allow me to create avatars and I am really excited to introduce this concept as a blogging challenge to my Grade 4’s in the New Year. I have noticed that on a number of blogs that every comment has a generated avartar that just seems to appear. I was wondering how I set that up on my blog. The students in my class noticed that other blogs have this and we don’t….can you please help me out?

    Much Appreciated,
    Mrs. Webb-Scheers

  4. Hi Sue,
    I really liked your post on Avatars! I just spent the last 2 hours searching sites on creating avatars for children…and you have them all right here. 🙂 Next time I will be sure to check her first.
    One question for you…do I have to have the students added as users in order for them to create an avatar for commenting or can they do it another way? My class and I are not yet at the point in our blogging journey where the students are posting. We are still creating posts and pages together, but I would like for them to have avatars. Can you please help me?
    Much appreciated,

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