Check Out These Cool Ideas From Class blogs!

Image of a grapeLove showcasing what’s happening on different blogs (especially student and class) and I know The Edublogger’s readers like checking them for ideas.

So here’s some of the cool and creative stuff I saw while updating the class blogs page:

  1. Ms Michetti has been encouraging her students to expand their blog’s community and audience by connecting with student bloggers in other countries and engage in conversations by leaving meaningful comments.
  2. It was pleasing to see Mr. Pepper has been encouraging the development of his student bloggers by using honorable mentions to reward individual student blogging achievements such as well written posts, good blog design, creativeness and excellent commenting skills.
  3. Over on Mrs. Caudill’s Classroom Connection blog she has used pages effectively to keep both students and parents informed.  Here are some examples from her blog:
  4. Classes have been using Bubbleshare creatively to display photos on their blogs so parents, family and students can view them from home.
  5. Visual Arts @ Taylors Lakes Primary School is using their blog to share the latest news and artworks by teachers and students at their school
  6. Finally I can’t resist fun myself so thoroughly enjoyed the talking cat created using Bladderize on Ms Frizz’s Blog


I’m regularly updating Check Out Class Blogs and Skype Other Classrooms! pages….please follow the instructions if you want your details added to either page.

Please leave a comment on this post to share any cool and creative stuff you’ve been doing on your blogs so I can check it out!

Image by The Rocketeer licensed under Creative Commons ShareAlike.

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28 thoughts on “Check Out These Cool Ideas From Class blogs!

  1. Looks like it’s been a while since anyone has posted on here but I loved being able to look through some of the different blogs as I work on continuing to develop my own! Thanks!

  2. Hello Sue,
    Thank you for pointing us towards some great blogs. We are relatively new to blogging and we have enjoyed looking at those recommended. We are getting some great ideas for our class blog

    1. Hi Mrs Taurua, popped across and checked out your class blog. Can see how you are using the ideas – glad they are helping.

      Your class blog is coming along really nicely. What feedback are you getting from the parents and students?

  3. I am new to blogging and these are GREAT ideas for blogs in the classroom. I really enjoyed Miss Caudill’s Classroom Connection to keep students and parents updated on what is going on. Thanks so much!

  4. Sue,
    Thank you for mentioning our class blog in your post! We have also had many visits from people around the world, which is very exciting for the students and myself. Our blog is definitely a work in progress, and like Mrs. Caudill, I am learning as I go! I have really learned a lot from your blog and your ideas. It’s been very helpful for me to check out other blogs, learn about new things, and see what other classes are doing. Blogging has been a great experience for my class! Thanks again!

    1. Mrs. Comincioli’s, No problem mentioning your class blog in my post. Thought it was a really cool idea to display the photos from the science boards that way. Glad my blog is helping with your class blogging – please let me know if you have topics you would like me to cover on the blog as I’m always looking for ideas.

  5. Sue,
    Thanks for mentioning my class blog. My blog has continued to be a work in progress-I am literally learning as I go and my blog has had many “facelifts” in the process! I’m glad to know that my blog may give other teachers some ideas for their blogs.
    Your post has brought many visitors to my blog, and my students are excited to check out the cluster map each morning to see what parts of the world have been checking in. Who would have thought that a DOT could bring such excitement? 😉

    1. Hi Mrs Caudill, glad the students were happy to see all the dots on the ClustrMaps as a result of people visiting from my post – I know how much students love them.

      My blogs are like a work in progress too; my poor personal blog has had many facelifts. Looking forward to checking out your progress as you continue.

  6. Thanks for finding some well-developed sites! I’m always having trouble adding new ideas to my blog to make it more appealing and helpful to my students (and their parents). I enjoy seeing what other educators have developed!

    Thanks Sue!

    1. Always happy to highlight great features on both student and class blogs – Kathleen. I like how classes use features like BubbleShare to do a class tour. Hopefully you picked up some ideas from checking out the other class blogs.

  7. Thanks Ed and Frank – will be interested to hear if you discovered cool stuff on those blogs that I miss. Thanks Frank for the link to Donald’s blog – have come across his before recently but can’t remember why.

  8. Thanks for some grat suggestions. Plenty to keep us busy.

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    He has a pregressive approach to eduicaiton but doesn’t jump on every passing bandwagon. His views on VAK and NLP (especially NLP) generate lots of spirited comment.

  9. Thank you for sharing your insights of appreciation. You always do a great job of helping and encouraging others to improve their skills.

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