Challenging Situations – #EdublogsClub Prompt 6

This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and edtech enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it to join in, or sign up to receive email reminders of each new prompt. 

Challenges come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes, the biggest challenge of the day is getting out of bed with a positive attitude. Sometimes, the daily challenge is going to be having to work with a difficult student. Sometimes, the challenge lies in teaching a topic or skill or unit that you really don’t enjoy. Learning strategies to address these challenges is the way in which we overcome them.

The road to success is always under construction - motivational text on a slate blackboard with chalk and cup of tea

Prompt: Write a post about challenging situations.

Here are some ideas or topics you may wish to include:

  • Share your biggest teaching challenge and explain how you overcame it
  • Write a motivational “how-to” for overcoming a common challenging situation.
  • Do a review on a book or website that has helped you overcome a challenging situation. What was the challenge? How did the book/website help you?
  • Discuss any thoughts or experiences you have about challenges in education.
  • Talk about a time when a student was facing a challenge and you provided strategies to help the student. What were they? How did they help?

Did You Miss A Post?

We understand. Sometimes it can be a challenge to get your weekly post in “on time”.

But don’t fret, you can always publish posts late, skip a topic and come back to it, or choose a post of a different topic if that week’s prompt just doesn’t interest you.

The #EdublogsClub is for you – so make of it what you wish!

Happy blogging!

42 thoughts on “Challenging Situations – #EdublogsClub Prompt 6

  1. Hi All, I’ve decided to take a different approach and share my solution to a technical challenge. I’ve been digitizing old photos and needed a simple solution that would work for glossy photos. Thought others who are interested in preserving old photos may find it helpful. Your students might enjoy using it to digitize old photos.

    You can read my solution here –

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