Catch Up Week – #EdublogsClub Prompt 30

This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and edtech enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it to join in, or sign up to receive email reminders of each new prompt. 


We have made it through to the 30th week of the year!

With back-to-school time in full swing in the northern hemisphere, this is a great time to spend catching up, reflecting, or finishing that post you’ve been wanting to publish but haven’t gotten around to.

We’re welcoming some new bloggers to the club this week too, so this is a great way to choose a topic or two from the past and get in with the group!

So here is the plan, this week choose one or more of the following:

  • Go back through the previous topics and publish a post on any that you may have missed.
  • Write a post reflecting on your experience blogging so far. What have you learned? How has it gone?
  • Spend some time publishing a post on any topic at all. Your choice!


As a reminder, here are the topics from the past 9 weeks:

  1. My Blog Story
  2. My Classroom/Office
  3. Leadership
  4. Photos
  5. Free Web Tools
  6. Challenging Situations
  7. Listicles
  8. Student Privacy
  9. Pop Culture
  10. *Catch Up Week
  11. Giving Feedback
  12. Embed Something
  13. The Pendulum
  14. Give Away Something
  15. Assessments
  16. Tell A Story
  17. Project-Based Instruction
  18. Art, Poetry, Or Music
  19. Social Media
  20. *Catch Up Week
  21. Books
  22. Time Management and Productivity
  23. Videos
  24. Parents
  25. Conferences
  26. Half-way Reflections
  27. Guest Blogging
  28. Digital Citizenship
  29. Be The Expert

Until next week, happy blogging!

10 thoughts on “Catch Up Week – #EdublogsClub Prompt 30

    1. Hi Sheila,
      I’ve just dropped by your blog. I can relate so much to what you have written and really enjoyed reading your post!

    1. Hi N, You’ve certainly had experience in a lot of different careers. Thanks for sharing your post!

    2. I’m glad to join this community. I’m new to this edu blogging but I’m willing to learn as I go. My goal here is to post helpful information and study references and more to help with my Massage Therapy studies

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