Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us!

Image of a light bulbWhen setting up a new blog it’s always handy check out other people’s blogs for ideas.

So I’ve been thinking it would be really helpful to everyone, especially new educators, if we had a page on The Edublogger for links to class blogs called Check out Class Blogs. The list could also be helpful for people wanting to create connections with classrooms in other countries.

So I was wondering if you could help me? Do you have a class blog or are able to recommend some class blogs?

Can you please share with us:

  1. Blog name(s) and URL(s).
  2. Approximate age of students and are they primary, secondary or tertiary?
  3. If applicable, what subject area? e.g. maths, science, language, history, English, Art, Music, ELL, ESL, & EFL
  4. Country

Thanks to Sue Tapp for reminding me that this task was on my to-do list!


Image by Andrew Coulter Enright licensed under Creative Commons

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254 thoughts on “Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us!

  1. Our blog is about our class, Senior 7, a Grades 5/6 composite class in Victoria, Australia.
    We use our Netbooks to incorporate lots of great ICT learning into our everyday learning tasks.
    We are using our blog more and more, in addition to our wiki.
    Let us know what you think!!!

  2. Hi,

    I have been setting up a blog for our Preps at Parkhill Primary School, Melbourne, Australia.

    It is a work in progress! I have thought long and hard about how best to utilise a blog in a Prep Classroom. So here I am ready to go in term 3!

    I hope it will be a great home school link for our Preps.

    Thank you,

  3. Hi.

    Our class blog is simply called “Pod 9’s Blog”
    We are a class of Year 5 and 6 (9-10 years old) students at Hurupaki Primary School In Whangarei, New Zealand.

    Thanks for your hard work.

  4. Hi, I teach year three and four (grade 2 and 3). Our blog is named The Wocket Spot, after our class name ‘The Wockets of Room Five’. (From Dr. Seuss’ ‘There’s a Wocket in my Pocket.

    My school is Russell Street School, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

    The main reason I started this blog was to create an alternative home-school link for the parents to see what is going on in the classroom.

    Marama Stewart

  5. Sue,
    Here is a link to “Mrs. Yollis’ Classroom Blog”.

    We are a third grade classroom (age 8/9) and the posts are written by the class as a whole or by small groups or individuals. Students write about what they are learning in Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math. We also have travel posts, tutorials, videos, and songs.

    We live in California, U.S.A.
    Thanks for including us! 🙂

  6. We have school blogs,4 in total which have Blog Managers from the upper school (ages 9, 10, 11 and 12) who are responsible for updating the blogs

  7. I use this blog to connect all my students blogs and also to give them tasks each week. They are K12 students and I certainly will miss them when they graduate this spring.

    English teacher Ann S. Michaelsen

  8. I have recently created a second blog for my school library and I thought that I would share it here!

    It’s name is Book Bits and is located at

    It was created to promote reading and reading-related activities among my older primary students (3rd, 4th and 5th grades) because some of them were jealous of the older students’ blogging on my other site, which I created almost 2 years ago ( I plan to focus on including student responses to literature and already have some book videos created by 4th graders posted!

    Our school is located in Kentucky, USA. Please come visit!


    This is the blog of the Crosswinds Arts and Science School Orchestra program, serving grades 6-10 in Woodbury Minnesota. I maintain the main blog, posting info for all students and parents, and there are links to student-maintained blogs, where they report their practice information, reflections, and any other musical interests that they wish to write about.

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