Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us!

Image of a light bulbWhen setting up a new blog it’s always handy check out other people’s blogs for ideas.

So I’ve been thinking it would be really helpful to everyone, especially new educators, if we had a page on The Edublogger for links to class blogs called Check out Class Blogs. The list could also be helpful for people wanting to create connections with classrooms in other countries.

So I was wondering if you could help me? Do you have a class blog or are able to recommend some class blogs?

Can you please share with us:

  1. Blog name(s) and URL(s).
  2. Approximate age of students and are they primary, secondary or tertiary?
  3. If applicable, what subject area? e.g. maths, science, language, history, English, Art, Music, ELL, ESL, & EFL
  4. Country

Thanks to Sue Tapp for reminding me that this task was on my to-do list!


Image by Andrew Coulter Enright licensed under Creative Commons

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254 thoughts on “Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us!

  1. I am actually a little surprised that our class blog was not included. We are a special education class blog of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. We have been active participants in the Blog Challenge09. The “talking cat” idea was taken from our talking penguin who shares our blog rules. The students have really enjoyed blogging with classrooms all around the world. From our blog you can also visit our Class Website,
    We would love to be added to your blog list.

    Come visit us at http://www.coconnections.

    Come join us on Twitter – coconnections

  2. Hi, my class blog is It is for my 6th and 7th grade US History classes. The kids use it to post comments about class related topics. These posts count as part of their participation grades. I am continually amazed by what they find most interesting.

    1. Mr. Craig,

      I am a 8th grade US teacher at an middle school in Santa Ana CA. I looked at your blog and am impressed with the students’ comments. I use my blog to post homework questions which I find they respond better than regular written work. I also use the blog so that students can create their own blogs, post podcasts, and take review quizzes. I am also a Skype user and am looking to collaborate with other 8th grade classes.


    2. @Mr. Craig, I found you! I’m ever-so-happy. Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.(This wasn’t an attempt to get extra points)

  3. Hi Everyone, I’ve updated the class list again. Please check your details and let me know if I have made any mistakes.

    For all new readers – please feel free to share your details – I regularly update this list in batches!

  4. We started blogging at the beginning of the year with four Year 6 classes (96 students). We watch the ABC program ‘Behind The News’ every week and use this as a springboard for writing posts to the blog. This program exposes students to current affairs and worldly issues in a kid friendly way.
    Students have been very excited about blogging and many are experimenting with setting up their own.
    We invite other class bloggers to visit our blog and to share their opinions, skills and knowledge with us.
    Check it out.


  5. We are a year 5 class in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria, Australia. We have set up a classblog so we can share our latest learning adventures with parents and the wider community. We will share ideas and our work across a lot of curriculum areas. We would love to hear from other schools across the world.

  6. I just created blogs for my students.I teach US History, World History, North Dakota Studies and 8th Social Studies.
    Amy Knutson
    Dakota Prairie High School
    Petersburg, ND

  7. I am just starting up with edublogs. I’m really looking to get my students connected to other classes around the world. Here is my information. Please check out my blog and offer any suggestions. Thanks!
    Mr. Pfluger’s Discussion Corner
    6th Grade
    Pennsylvania, USA

  8. Your blog has been very helpful in setting up our classroom blog. We are still in the beginning stages, but it’s exciting to get this started. I would love any suggestions!

    Mrs. Comincioli’s Classroom Corner
    4th/5th grade classroom
    Illinois, USA

  9. We are Upton Cross Primary School in Cornwall, England. I am the Y5/6 teacher, Mrs. Etherington.

    You can find us on:

    Our Blog is written and edited by the children with the odd page which I contribute. I think they do a great job considering they are only 9-11 years old.

    We would love to hear your comments.

  10. Hello everyone! I teach Grade 7 and 8 (12 – 14yo) in Canada and have recently started a classroom blog. It’s a work in progress, but please stop by! I’ve gotten lots of great ideas from other teacher’s blogs which I’m using on my blog.

    My students are very new to this but are extremely excited about the possiblities.

  11. The New Zealand School year has restarted so after 11 months our blog at has ceased to be active. (30,000 views of material in total!) I have moved towns and school and have set up a new blog for my Y7 Class (new as in the first week of February). The address for this is:
    The students are novices but getting very excited about blogging and visitors!

  12. Thanks everyone. I’ve now updated the class list – please check your information and let me know of any problems with your links or details.

  13. Hello Sue,
    Thanks for this opportunity to add our blog details.

    Blog Name – Visual Arts @ Taylors Lakes Primary School
    Visual Arts Blog featuring the Reflections and Artworks of the P-6 students and teachers at Taylors Lakes Primary School in Melbourne, Australia.
    We would like to communicate with classes from a variety of grade levels and countries.
    We look forward to some feedback,
    Yvonne Osborn and Glenys Vella, (Partners in Grime)

  14. Hi,
    Our class blog is ‘Belvoir Bloggers’
    we are a group of 16-18 year old students at Belvoir Special School. We are studying for the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning and have started a blog to communicate with our people about what we do.

  15. Hi!
    My class blog is Mrs. Caudill’s Classroom Connection.


    Fifth grade Math, Ohio, USA.

    My goal for the blog is to communicate with parents what is going on in our classroom (news, important dates, daily agenda/assignment board) and to provide links that give my students a chance to use computers to enhance our math lessons.

    My blog is a “work in progress” as I am truly learning about blogging as I go along!

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