Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us!

Image of a light bulbWhen setting up a new blog it’s always handy check out other people’s blogs for ideas.

So I’ve been thinking it would be really helpful to everyone, especially new educators, if we had a page on The Edublogger for links to class blogs called Check out Class Blogs. The list could also be helpful for people wanting to create connections with classrooms in other countries.

So I was wondering if you could help me? Do you have a class blog or are able to recommend some class blogs?

Can you please share with us:

  1. Blog name(s) and URL(s).
  2. Approximate age of students and are they primary, secondary or tertiary?
  3. If applicable, what subject area? e.g. maths, science, language, history, English, Art, Music, ELL, ESL, & EFL
  4. Country

Thanks to Sue Tapp for reminding me that this task was on my to-do list!


Image by Andrew Coulter Enright licensed under Creative Commons

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254 thoughts on “Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us!

  1. class blog address:

    3rd grade, southern California desert, USA
    public school, ages 8 & 9
    small language arts class

    We’ve just begun our blogging journey this week and the children are thrilled to participate – the feeling in the room is electric! Most of my flock do not have home computers, so having access and opportunity at school is vital.

    I’m learning so much by visiting other classroom blogs – thank you all.

    Right now we are primarily using it to post our responses to the expository and narrative writing practice prompts developed by our school district.

    Connect with us 🙂

    Christine Lunney Jaffe, teacher

  2. Could I please be added to the primary page of blog addresses.

    I teach 4th grade in New York, USA.
    Our blog has been up and running since November and has already reached over 4000 page loads and 300 visitors.

    I would love to connect with more teachers who teach 4th grade and become blogging buddies with them.

    :o) Serena

  3. I use my blog to post agendas, links, Podcasts, Wikkis, Power Points., Teacher Tube.
    My student blogs are linked to my blog. We use them to peer edit, to post journals, and to build community.
    English III
    Advanced Placement Literature
    Grades 10-12
    Riverdale High School Outside New Orleans
    Teacher- Mrs. Colleen Winkler, NBCT; M.Ed
    I am an Edublog Supporter

  4. Ginny Hoke, links to student blogs are included on the blogroll

    Literature & Composition 10, approximate ages 15-16

    Springfield, Oregon, United States

  5. My “class” consists of two girls, ages 10 and 12. We do not have a classroom, as our learning happens both formally at the kitchen table and also informally at anywhere, anytime. I have been homeschooling my kids for 6 years now and just 7 months ago, I discovered Edublogs. Edublogs has put some much-needed organization into our online lives and also allows us to share some of learning samples with our formal teachers and interested grandparents. My children learn at home with the help of a distributed learning school, North Island Distance Education School (Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada) where the teachers supervise, to some degree, our learning. I have also set up at Edublog for the parents at our distributed learning school. Thank you everyone for your inspiration !

  6. Edublogs has been down most of the day Tuesday and Monday. What’s up with it? I can’t get my work done. Pls email me at [email protected] and tell me the status.

    Thank you

  7. Hi Sue !

    I am a teacher in New Zealand. I have a Year 2 class next year ( 6 year olds). And we look forward to hear from soon!


    Ps. I think I’ll following you on twitter.

  8. This is our first year of blogging as a class. We initially began to enhance student/teacher/parent communication. We are a grade 3 class in Melbourne. Putting homework on each week has been a great bonus, parents can see what’s required at a glance. Some parents were hesitant to begin with, but all are on board now. Students without Internet access at home felt a little left out sometimes. We have an IWB, so the blog was visited most days. Students love it when others leave comments. I love the idea of looking at othr blogs for ideas, thanks for the list. I am off to check it out.

  9. Our classroom blog is . In addition to maintaining the primary blog each class period has their own blog in which some students have posted podcast. Our content is 8th grade US History. Some students are working on creating their own.


  10. Hey!
    Here is the information for our class blog. We will be full functioning with student blogs included in January:)

    Secondary (primarily sophomores through seniors)
    Computer Education: Web Design, Multimedia, Computer Science

    Mrs. D

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