Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us!

Image of a light bulbWhen setting up a new blog it’s always handy check out other people’s blogs for ideas.

So I’ve been thinking it would be really helpful to everyone, especially new educators, if we had a page on The Edublogger for links to class blogs called Check out Class Blogs. The list could also be helpful for people wanting to create connections with classrooms in other countries.

So I was wondering if you could help me? Do you have a class blog or are able to recommend some class blogs?

Can you please share with us:

  1. Blog name(s) and URL(s).
  2. Approximate age of students and are they primary, secondary or tertiary?
  3. If applicable, what subject area? e.g. maths, science, language, history, English, Art, Music, ELL, ESL, & EFL
  4. Country

Thanks to Sue Tapp for reminding me that this task was on my to-do list!


Image by Andrew Coulter Enright licensed under Creative Commons

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254 thoughts on “Calling All CLASS blogs…Please Share Your Blog URL With Us!

  1. We are a class of fourth grade bloggers in New Hampshire. On our family blog, we publish class news for all the families and friends of our class.

    We also have a blog for each student, and the students publish their writing all year long. We use the Six Traits rubrics to write comments to other fourth graders in our district about our writing, but we are looking for other classes to join us! Would your class be interested in commenting and receiving comments on writing pieces? We are located in a gorgeous rural area, and we are interested in “seeing” more of the world through our blogging. We would love to hear from you.

  2. Hi All –

    Our new kindergarten blog is up and running. We are looking to collaborate with classrooms worldwide. Check out our blog at

    Thanks for visiting!
    Laura and the KinderKids!

  3. We’re a grade 8 core class (English, Math and Drama) at a middle school in Toronto. We blog, podcast and use twitter and other online resources to share our ideas and points-of-view with the world.

    Mr. Borges also has another blogpage with his Special Needs class. Check out


  4. Mr. Salsich’s Class
    3rd grade (ages 8-9) class blog from Stonington, CT. USA.
    We love to exchange comments with other primary level bloggers. We also like to have video-conferences and work on collaborative projects (habitats – especially rainforests, kites, literature circles, etc.)

  5. Hi, my Year 5/6 class (in Victoria, Australia) and I are reasonably new to blogging, and we would love to extend the audience for our blogs beyond our classroom walls. Please visit our blogs (student blogs are linked to the class blog) and feel free to add comments. Likewise, we would love to read other student blogs, and be able to post comments on them!

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