#Blogging28 Challenge Week Three Round Up

There’s just one more week left of our 28 day challenge to help educators gain momentum with blogging in 2019!

Read all about the Get Blogging in 2019 Challenge here. While the challenge officially wraps up soon, you can join in at any time. Perhaps you’d like to run your own challenge with a few colleagues!

Our calendar shares bite-sized steps you can take to build momentum and put positive habits in place for 2019.

Have you dabbled with blogging in the past but struggled to maintain momentum? You're not alone! We're here to help with a new 28 day challenge to get you off to a great start in January.

You can also join in the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #blogging28 and subscribe to our Twitter list of participants. 

Week Three Tasks

During the third week of the challenge, participants were invited to complete the following tasks:

  • Publish one blog post (some participants decided to publish more!)
  • Tidy up your blog’s sidebar
    • Are there widgets on your sidebar that you no longer need or are out of date? It’s always good to evaluate your blog’s sidebar from time to time. Step two in this post about spring cleaning your blog has some handy tips.
  • Comment on two other blogs
    • Remember to check out our list of participants who are taking part in the challenge to find blogs you can visit. Strike up a conversation, ask a question, perhaps even suggest a topic you’d like them to write a post about!
  • Share your blog on social media
    • Social media is a great place to find like-minded educators who might enjoy reading your blog posts. If you’re new to social media and you’re interested in exploring the huge education community on Twitter, we have a guide to getting started that might help.
  • Free choice
    • Perhaps there are posts you’d like to write on or other blogs you’d like to visit? Or maybe you’d like to work on the design of your new blog and look for a new theme or header image? Take your pick but keep that momentum going!

Week Three Highlights

This week, some of our participants shared some resources that they thought might be useful for the community,

Britt Wattwood shared a fabulous resource about commenting from Alan Levine.

Denise Krebs shared the Slice of Life story challenge that’s coming up in March. Slice of Life is popular amongst many educational bloggers. You’ll find more information on the Two Writing Teachers blog. 

Here are a few more highlights from this week.

Marcia Porter

Marcia Porter is a teacher librarian in a 6-8 middle school. She wrote about a fabulous moment with her theater students.

As teachers, so much of the time we filter ourselves – our words, our facial expressions, and our body language. But it is through our authenticity, not our filters, that we build the relationships that allow us to truly reach our students.

Tara McCartney

Tara McCartney is a Math & ELA K-6 Instructional Coach. She has written a series about 2019 goals and recently shared her third and final installment,

I figure if I’m going to help teachers and students write, then I need to be in the process myself.

Denise Krebs

Denise Krebs decided to take on the challenge of encouraging someone else to start blogging by going out for lunch with a colleague,

We went out for lunch the next day and brainstormed topics for her blog–education, learning, being a principal, being a wife and mother, faith, intentional living, and more. She had lots of ideas! It’s a work in progress, but it was fun to offer to help.

Theresa Christensen
Theresa Christensen

Theresa Christensen has been gaining some strong momentum with her blogging this month, so much so, she’s started a new blog called Fitness for Educators. Be sure to take a look!

Regardless if you are 22 or 62, always active or usually sedentary, it’s never too late to benefit from incorporating simple physical activity into your day. You’ll feel better and be more productive, guaranteed!!

Our List Of Participants

Have you added your details to our list of challenge participants?

  • Click here to open the spreadsheet in a new tab
  • Click here to add your details to the spreadsheet via a Google Form

We encourage you to visit some of the blogs and leave a comment. You could make some new connections that provide you with inspiration and support during 2019!

The #Blogging28 Twitter List

We’ve added the participants from our spreadsheet to a Twitter list. Lists are a great way to keep track of groups of people on Twitter.

Go to https://twitter.com/edublogs/lists/blogging28 and click on subscribe.

If you want to be walked through the process of using our Twitter list, check out this post from last week.

Share Your Post In A Comment

Look out for our final wrap up post on The Edublogger next week. We’ve got some tips about keep the momentum going throughout the year.

If you’ve been blogging this week, leave the URL of your post in a comment below so we can all take a look.

Also, remember to join in the conversation on Twitter. You can use the hashtag #blogging28 and tag @edublogs so we can read your work and share it with others!

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