What do you want to know about Blogging?

Ask The Experts- Blogging

Our Edublogger, Sue Waters, and Richard Byrne from FreeTech4Teachers.com will be co-hosting an Ask the Expert session on blogging at Future Schools Expo and here’s your chance to have your blogging questions answered.  We will be publishing a follow up post after the blogging session with the answers we shared.

Leave a comment below to tell us:

  1. What would you like to know about blogging with students or on your own personal educator blog?
  2. What advice blogging advice would you share with others?

If you are at Future Schools Expo on Wednesday March 11th in Sydney you can join us live at 1:05-1:25 PM in the Expo Hall.

Future Schools is running back to back seminars and TeachMeets in the Expo Hall on March 11th and March 12th which you can attend for free by registering for a free expo visitors pass on the Future Schools website.

Those that won’t be attending, stay tuned to this blog with our summary!


8 thoughts on “What do you want to know about Blogging?

  1. Nice Information! I personally really appreciate your article. This is a great website. I will make sure that I stop back again!.

  2. As a county of education employee, I’ve signed a document about intellectual rights and the county prefers for me not to blog about content that I’ve created if it overlaps at all with the workplace. Since my blog has always been a place for me to synthesize and compose the ideas I’m working on, I’m having difficulty finding content to post about. I’ve asked that we create a blog for our department, but there are fears for them to overcome and policies that they want to establish before allowing this. Do you have examples of county or government blogs and/or individual bloggers who work for a county/state education agencies to help them establish their policies and help them overcome their fears?

  3. Apologies for posting twice but I have another question related to teachers blogging with students. The question is, what strategies or content would be appropriate for communicating with parents/guardians, as well as students, or would you suggest separate blogs for students and parent/guardians?

  4. With all the blogs and bloggers “out there” these days, what would you consider to be effective strategies for gaining readership? In other words, what should a blogger consider doing to “stand out in the crowd”? Of course, originality, relevancy, and accuracy of content would be appropriate. What else can be done to reach a larger audience?

  5. Hi, I am looking forward to attending this conference and catching up with Sue and meeting Richard. I tried to get to this page from the mailout link but neither worked. Instead they took me to edulists which came up with a load error. My question would be information on the changing direction that classroom blogging has taken over the last 5 years – has it changed, any changing outcomes, uses etc.

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