A Look Back At 2014 – Top Posts And More

Our favorite time of year is here!

Holidays. Family. And a time of reflection.


2014 has been a great year at Edublogs, including:

  • Launching CampusPress – web hosting and WordPress services for schools
  • Releasing the reader to make it easy to follow, moderate, and keep up with blogs
  • Adding 100+ mobile friendly new themes
  • More students than ever participating in the Student Blogging Challenge
  • Growing our team – the best people you could ever hope to work with

Top Posts Of The Year

Some of the posts by students and teachers with the most views on Edublogs from 2014 are:

And if you haven’t already, check out all of the finalists and winners in the 2014 Edublog Awards. There are so many great blogs and individuals to follow there.

A Big Year Ahead

Edublogs will turn TEN YEARS OLD in 2015. You better believe it will be our best year yet.

Happy holidays to you and yours, and we’ll see you on the flip side!

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