What Do You Want to KNOW about Blogging?

Can you help?Can you help?

I’ve promised to follow up What You Wanted To KNOW About Student Blogging with a post that  focuses on responses to more general blogging questions.

The aim of the post will be to help educators and students with their personal blogging.

But first I really love to know what you really want to know about blogging or have always wanted to ask.

Please leave a comment to tell me the questions you would like answered about blogging such as:

  1. What would you like to know more about?
  2. What have you always wondered or been trying to work out?
  3. What have you been struggling with?

And to make sure I don’t miss any really important topics

— please feel free to also share your most important tips for new bloggers.

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14 thoughts on “What Do You Want to KNOW about Blogging?

  1. Hi Sue
    Can gadgets (eg a flower clock) be installed in the free blog? I can’t seem to do it. I know I have Java script enabled, but the gadget doesn’t show. I dragged a text widget into my sidebar and copied, pasted & saved the code, but it didn’t work. I’ve been reading through the forums but nothing seems to work.
    Please help! Thanks

  2. Hi, everyone!
    I have some questions also as Morgan Kolis, could you help me? thank!

    This questions are:
    1. How do you get more people to read your blog and comment? Can you give tips on attracting others to your blog page?

    2. What are track backs and ping backs?

    3. In Google Blogger, can you tell how many times your blog has been viewed or who has viewed your blog if they don’t leave a comment?

  3. Hello, I would like to learn how to input pictures onto my blog. I would like to put on scanned in pictures that would be in a pdf file as well as downloaded pictures from my camera.
    thanks, Deanna

  4. @Ima If you like the blog URL I wouldn’t delete it because you won’t be able to get that same URL again. So if you want that URL what you do is delete the posts and pages instead.

    Thanks for the nice feedback!

  5. Sue,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    The blog I’m playing with is for a tech class I’m taking, and it is published because I didn’t realized it would go public once I clicked that button–yes, I’m that new at it. I want to delete that blog.

    I think I have widgets figured out. If not, I know where to come for help once I get my classroom blog up and going.

    This is a wonderful service you’re providing for teachers.

    Thank you,

  6. Thanks everyone so far for sharing your questions and I plan to publish the post this week.

    However I do need to answer the questions about student blogs as they won;’t be covered in this next post.

    @Cheryl Can I get you to confirm you mean student blogs that you are attached to as an admin user and that are showing in your My Blogs area?

    @Ina We have a lot of literature and reading blogs that try to use Pages for these types of blog. Your better approach is to use posts and assign categories to the posts. Then add a category widget to your side bar. Otherwise what can happen is you will find you may end up with lots of pages and lots of comments on the Pages that make it hard to manage.

    If you could give me a link to your blog I will show you what I mean?

  7. Hi,
    I am a very new beginner to blogging. I want to set up a blog for literature circles and would like to have students posts questions and comments on a separate page for each book, within one site. In my practice attempt to set up a blog site, the posts all go to the first page. Is there a way to have a home page first and then separate pages where students can post?

    Oh, and is there a way to delete my practice blog?…it isn’t worth keeping.


  8. Hi,
    This is my first year with a PRO account and having students with their own blogs. Since I started in January, I still have a couple of months left on my subscription, before I renew it again, and would like to use the same blog with my new students in August.
    How do I ‘release’ my students and add my new students? Are there settings that need to be reset? Would it be possible for you to post the steps involved in ‘letting last years students go’ and setting up blogs for my new students?
    Thanks so much,

  9. Hi. I have several questions about blogging.

    I have been blogging for about a year. I maintain two blogs, one (http://staff.bbhcsd.org/kolism) for my classroom (a class for kids with special needs, the blog is mainly for their parents currently, and we have a protopage for the kids), and the other as a professional blog (http://mlkolis.blogspot.com).

    Here are my questions:
    1. How do you get more people to read your blog and comment? Can you give tips on attracting others to your blog page?

    2. What are track backs and ping backs?

    3. In Google Blogger, can you tell how many times your blog has been viewed or who has viewed your blog if they don’t leave a comment?

    Thank you!

    Morgan Kolis
    Brecksville, Ohio

  10. Sue,

    I have been blogging for a little while, but I am stumped in two areas:
    1. How can I make my blog look more like others? I see lots of neat edublogs, but mine is very plain and missing needed features. I feel limited by the way themes are set up, but I think it is my lack of knowledge.
    2. How do you determine “worthy” topics to attract readers. I struggle with feeling like no one reads my blog or everyone already knows what I have to say. Is any topic too big or too small?

    I can’t wait to see your follow up post to learn new tips:-)


  11. Hi Sue,

    So I am back and trying to get my things lined up. I’ve started very basic posts really, but all the blogs I read and look at have amazing set-ups. I’m curious to know how some people create such cool “welcome banners” that have the title of their blog.

    Another question is with Widgets. What are the top widgets that a blog should not be without? Do you locate them through your blog site itself, or do you have to go to another website to get them?

    Sorry, may be a bit confusing, but I eventually want my blog to be as well read and have a great appearance to it as well.

    Hope all is well with you! Take care and Thank YOU!

    Tim- WI, US

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